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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Bitchesssss! Owned. Very very owned.
  2. Sigh, iron fist ruling. Oh well, i'm going to get executed anyways.
  3. Shiet that was one time i was under the influence posting here.
  4. DS is the stepping stone while the new Gameboy is the true sucessor! Prican, stfu. Yeah i'm whipping out the n00bsikikllzzz?12wqw111
  5. Just read up some. 1st cousin marriage is illegal in some states (ex: New York). The blood bond within 1st and 2nd cousins isn't as strong as it is with siblings or children to their parents. **I like to read alot.
  6. The first pic looks like Sony camera but enlarged.
  7. Second cousins, it's illegal there in some areas of the world, at least I think so. Isn't like, second cousins those who aren't related to you by blood?
  8. Ahem, most PSP games imo don't seem inspiried enough. Sure you can have the few "ZOMG THIS GAME ROCKAWKEAC@!!!11" and "THE FSCK IS THIS SHEIT!?" but imo the fact remines that most of the PSP games do look and feel uninspired. Expect for Wipeout Pure, that game looks like your on speed and high at the same time.
  9. Games need to get cheaper. I'm glad a fellow canadian can see it as clear as me. Espeically since we live in these ripoff regions. I'm starting to like you now. Stop it. - Troll
  10. I'd do that, but i'm dirt cheap when it comes to computer parts and games.
  11. Once the white PSP comes out. I'm buying it in a heart beat. Solely because it's sexy.
  12. Chewing gum is known to relieve stress.
  13. Ok, Namco won me over, Cassy gots some new moves, and bigger bust. I now take everything bad I said about SCII.
  14. Yeah, if The Rock was in, I would see The Rock playing Venom. Right now, Electro or Lizard are my top bets. I'm leaning more towards Lizard, Church looks like he would play that part rather well. And yes, every movie does Christopher Walken.
  15. I was suppose to go this year, but my buddy has exams the very same week as E3, so we can't go. I was suppose to get passes because he said I was his assistant. But now I need someone else to leech off of.
  16. Dante is just a rumor. That is all. Setsuka = Maya Natsume from Tenjou Tenge. Other things, this is possibly PS2 exclusive for the U.S. but Japan is still seeing an arcade release date.
  17. At least their right about the "reduce stress" part.
  18. Planetdoom.com gots a nice collection.
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