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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. NO$GBA also rocks because it's the only one that supports MP that you know, actually works.
  2. Best one i've seen was the one about the Amitityville toaster. Dude, I want one.
  3. Remember, Japanese folk are crazy! I'd like to live in Tokyo for a while though. Yay for family!
  4. I can't wait for Advance Wars DS.
  5. The music affects the score. And the music blows.
  6. PS2's Dpad has a tendency of BREAKING THE FSCK UP. Then again, the controller it self is good, just the parts in are so damn cheap I can make one with papermache. The N64's stick was the sheit. Don't be hatin` on that naow.
  7. Xbox controller reminds me most of the Special edition controller that came with the Saturn and NiGHTS into Dreams. If anything, the Xbox is based on that and the DC.
  8. SVC was just plain buggy. Good conecpt, SNK's 2nd worst execution ever. KOFMI takes the cake for that one.
  9. Like VP's hyper special system. God I miss that game so much
  10. Change it because were fscking tools.
  11. Well, sony did rip off the SNES design.
  12. U3 = King of Engines. But Doom 3 still takes the cake for looking like a CG Movie.
  13. You got those cheap ass Nuby ones? Their ok for SCII but they suck for T5 and Most 2D fighters.
  14. The process about Cell right now is that it's currently about theory, which imo, doesn't do justice yet. An actual Stress test is needed. Not puny renders like; Gryph; EMOTION ENGINE
  15. Thats the crappiest title since Future, oh wait, Future sucks too. Xbox2 coming out this year: Head start or failure? YOU CHOOSE! Early bird gets the worm, remember when the PS2 came out? Other then being hyped like hell. It sold by mass of the earth during the first few months. Cell does look interesting though. But it's partly a Sony product, so screw that. You can fit pretty much all content these days on a normal DVD5. Casual gamers want a game thats hyped like hell. Regardless of length, but I bet most of them would go "Damn this is long."
  16. Besides easy porting to PC and being owned by Microsoft. It rivals Nintendo's devkit in the ease development department.
  17. SCII imo is much funner on a stick then any of those bulky ass controllers.
  18. I think 3/4ths of the community are actually happy it isn't a fighting game. But, we are also disappointed it isn't a fighting game. Can you feel the irony?
  19. Oni was cool. Level designs sucked, but the animation transistion and fighting owns. Perfect blend of beat em up and...ar-pee-gee.
  20. That's why I'm saying we should wait till the proper Halo is done.
  21. I wonder how the managers below him felt He will have a hard time. Let see: Sony lose out to Samsung in TV and mobile phone. PS2 sales is down right now since everyone is waiting for the next-gen consoles. The portable music industry losing out to IPOD (It's their funeral when they don't want to support MP3 which is beyond my understanding). The movie industry is not so hot for Sony (their last 3 movies did not do so good. AVP anyone? ) Their video and audio division lose out to Samsung and Pioneer. Way to go. I can't hardly think of anything that Sony has advantages over other competitors Too bad <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LSD can say this with me. END OF THE GIANT!? Well... some corrections. They support MP3 now, Sony's Music+Film divisions do better then their gaming ones, plus the internal conflict between the 4 divisions is still crazy.
  22. Anderson didn't direct RE2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He wrote it. They got the 2nd director guy from MI2. Who imo, does some good stunt work.
  23. Basically, if it's a fighter, it wil suck. Practically FPS and everything else runs fine on the cube. But yeah, the D-pad does blow.
  24. Because rumors can be fake. I personally think it's a bad idea for Microsoft to try to produce Halo 3 to sell before the PS3 launch. They'd get much more sales if they market it after the PS3 launch, when people aren't saving their money up for a big, expencive item. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dooz, remember, he's Drake.
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