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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. No, AVOID AVG LIKE THE PLAUGE! It's been known to find, but not remove viruses. I don't care what anyoen says, Norton offers excellent protection. Even if it's pay. Firewall: Sygate Personal Firewall. Adware scanner; Spybot Search & Destroy + Ad-Aware Personal SE.
  2. Which is why I like L&O. But nothing ever beats the original even how cool SVU is. Now, when will I get my goddamn homicide back.
  3. Graphics are nice, but VF4 imo is looks better at times. Gameplay is like I said earilier, a return to the older Tekken 3/TTT, which I hated. They could of improved 4's by fixing it with TTT/T3 elements insted of refining T3/TTT's engine all together by incorperating 4's boundry levels.
  4. gg double post. It is possible to play backups on a GC, but the GC it self requires hardcore modding (Not just a chip here). Comeon people. I live in Canada, games are just as expensive as that and I buy them. I'm not even rich.
  5. "Untitled #4" (Njósnavélin - The Nothing Song - The Spy Machine) by Sigur Ros <3 this Icelandic band
  6. My friends and I played it once I got home with the game and we got mostly everything(except some items for the characters) on the spot for the first 20 hours. We started slacking off after we got all the characters, most of the endings and raised practically 19 of the 30 characters rankings.
  7. PS2, Arcade, same thing. I used sticks on the PS2 my friend. We did not use controllers, at all. Tested it out with the offical stick HORI stick that came with the game and my own crappy Nuby *now customized* sticks because they absolutely suck. The Sawada stick(the actual stick, not the whole thing) is, bear with me now, the exact same one used in the Tekken 5 cabs. The buttons however, are completely different since you are playing it curved L B C D A while we played it, like the original arcade version, boxed 1 2 3 4. Graphically, yes it does look wonderful for a PS2 game, But I loath anything related to Sony, and since Namco uses a PS2-like hardware board, I've come to terms that yes, they do look similar, but graphic whores, people with extremely good eyes for identifying, can tell small differences between the two. Just like how audiophiles can tell the god damn difference between actual CD audio and a 320kbps mp3 file. Theres better out there man. DOA can't touch this, but VF4 Evo, which is a year older(a year now I think) is better then this(albit, by a bit, control differences are easy to adjust too, weak sauce on one profile per mem. card + custom items). I'll never be able to get a VF4 evo card =(. But I got my T5 one somewhere IN MY ROOM! I'm sticking to my grade because T5 plays similar too TTT and T3, which I both absolutely hate with a moderately strong passion for and the fact that music selection blows, and it looks pretty, for old hardware, but at best, only 2 levels actually stand out of the crowd compared to the rest.
  8. Any Asus board that is a or above a Delux is good(anything lower should be avoided like the plague). Depends if you have the money or not for a 4000 or a 3800. The 939s are in right now, if your cheap, go with the 754, but that goes up to 3400(right now anyways, they aren't completely phased out yet) and doesn't support the dual channel. Older FX generations are demoted too xx00+. And it will be the same way with all future FX CPUs. You can think of them as undamaged celerons or amd semprons with crazy power with the x86-64 extensions(like what a semprons are, it's a amd 64 without the 64 bit extensions). If you do end up getting a 939, 1 GB Dual Channel Non ECC ram will do wonders. Problem with SLI is nothing right now is worth it. At all. You either need to wait until nVidia makes a profile for your game, or make your own. High cost + crazy power usage = not good enough yet. SLI is a waste of god damn money right now.
  9. I got one small one that it's some bunker.
  10. D.Jin plays so fscking awesome, way better then regular Jin(in terms of moves and priority changes). I mainly use Asuka(My main since playing it at the arcade), Nina (secondary) and Wang(when I want to bring the Funk).
  11. While Ubisoft is from France, props to Ubimontreal for you know, developing the games(PoP and SC)!
  12. Ever try going to Microbytes? They got tons of cheap media there.
  13. True, they do, and all this news does is just add more fuel to the "video games cause violence" issue. Side Note:Wasn't there a death involving some kids trying to mimic the Power Rangers a few years ago, too? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> On that note, I'd like to add that Pokemon kills(truth), and rap music makes me violent and thinkin' bout hoes /sarcasm about the rap music.
  14. I wonder when Apple will go after him for using the letter "i".
  15. Tonight's episode was really interesting, those numbers...THOSE NUMBERS ARE THERE!
  16. No, what I meant for the home version, you can only have one profile per memory card. In VF4 you can have multipile profile for each character per card. Here you have one profile, for all characters per card.
  17. I should say the same about the DS. What a load of crap. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fight the <insert company here> hype machine!
  18. Game: Tekken 5 System: Playstation 2, Arcade Emulators: ahhahahhahaha.... *Based on both the aracde and PS2 version. First part is based on the arcade, second part is based on the PS2's extras. Other times I'll just mix both stuff in because i'm lazy to split it. Review of the extras that came with it are afterwards, such as the artbook and the stick. Tekken 5 was released days ago, and now, here it is. The 5th King of the Iron Fist tournement is being held yet again, with returns from the past. Such as Baek & Wang make a return in this game, along with new several new characters, such as Asuka Kazama(Jin's cousin), a character based on Jun's style in T2/TTT, Feng Wei, kick ass monk, Raven, a ninja(who also looks like Blade/Snipes in Blade), and this year's host, Jinpachi(Not playable), Heihachi's father, Kazuya grandfather, Jin's great-granddaddeh! After putting the game back towards a mix of T4 and TTT(play style almost similar to TTT now, and return of infinitily large levels + boundry like levels in T4). Playing the game really feels like the old versions (less T4-likeness imo, but getting ground raped is easier I find, particurally because of Christie/Eddy.) Old characters return with tweaked and/or improved move lists. Baek & Wang have been updated to the newer engine by far. Feng Wei, plays extremely interesting, and fast. I haven't fully used him because he isn't grabbing me like the other characters. Raven hits the spot with some crazy moves and style(with a woven basket for a head, a little inside joke around here). Asuka, who is based on Jun's style somewhat, grabbed in also(and threw me to the ground her counter). I wasn't a Jun player during the old TTT days, but using Asuka is from what I hear, better then Jun. Although her counters and moves aren't as majorly inflicting, you can deal damages with her threw mixing up what you got. Another new thing brought into the game is character customizations, which to looks like a plane carbon copy of Viruta Fighter 4's(system wise anyways). Making characters look the way you want them too look, however, it does seem limited, to each costume, seeing as each character has 2. The limitions don't hold justice when you want to fully change your character like in VF4. But fear not, for the home version comes with 2 more extra costumes percharacter. Not editable though. Which is a real down. For thsoe who bought this at home, or those who are consider buying this, you'll find a handful of extras, such as Arcade perfect ports of Tekkens 1, 2 and 3 (No TTT or T4 here folks, just go out and buy em). There is also a small mode called "Devil Within," a beatemup game based on Jin to learn more about his past and his genes. While boring and repeative, if you want to learn more about Jin, play it. Characters also got extras, but from what I see, no more items added to each character (telling between my Asuka here and at the arcade). Also the lack of more then one profile per card is a real let down. Seeing as how half the characters I have are already in Kyus and Dans. The basic extras from the last games are here, such as Time Attack, Theater Mode, Soundtrack mode, Story Mode etc. Replayablity is there, but it isn't worth a whole bunch seeing as you can get all the characters within a good 14 hour session with 3 friends helping you out. Most of the replaying will be for items anyways. But like I said, the custom system feels limited compared to VF4, so either do it all for one character or just skip it enterily. Graphically, the game looks amazing, on par and even more better looking then Virtua Fighter and DOA3. Models and levels look detailed and very nice with the low poly models. 2 Levels you'll love is the Burning Temple and the Moon lit Field of white flowery stuff. Sounds of it are good, effects are clear and threw, no distortion inbetween, althougth the audio selection sucks(While we were playing, we turned off the music after a few hours and just started listening to music on my comp on random). Controls were very responsive, althougth some user-related problems such as one of our sticks crapping out on us. Controls feel within a small confinedment, maybe it's because I play Virtua Fighter 4. Seeing how this is the anniversary of Tekken. I pre-ordered the bundle. And it was well worth it. The arcade stick feels and smells amazing. Very responsive and comfortable. Although it was being advertised as a HORI Real Arcade Pro stick, it is not a real HORI RAP stick, it is still worth wild. Compared to the quality sticks we North Americans get, this bundle is a steal and the stick itself is worth more then the bundle it self, even if it's not a RAP stick. The case to hold the previous Tekken games is very nice, and feels metal. The artbook showing the various Tekken's over the years is wonderful extra. I hear you can also get it by purchusing the game itself without the bundle. Random note on how I got everything so quickly; I got T5 during a LAN Party, we ended up playing it, getting most of the endings and all the characters. We also played Zelda, but thats another random post. Hands down, this is the best Tekken besides Tekken 4 to me. For all those who dislike Tekken 4, this could be the greatest Tekken next to TTT(or Ever if you want). Controls: 7 Gameplay: 7 Graphics: 8 Sound: 6 Overall Score: 7 Grade: C (...you must get this game now..) Edit: My new name in Tekken 5 will be Aaaaah! Hentai! KYAAAAAA! I also fixed the date! I got the game on the 27th But didn't write this until Wedsenday the 2nd.
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