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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Shaiya is in no way graphically supiror to WoW. I'm running it with everything on and it doesn't look as any better then WoW.
  2. Actually, the first Halo isn't worth owning at all unless you own the CE edition on PC. The Halo to own is 2, not for the story, but for the MP as it has the best MP in the whole series. I dislike wifi because it has a tendency to drop more then a wired connection. It's something I will not invest in until the technology it works 99% as good as a wired connection. From the speed, timing and stability. The PS3 I got right now is mostly used for PS2 games because har har, my PS2 broke, again.
  3. Maybe it's because I'm too used to MGS2 style gameplay. I wasn't particurly fond of MGS3's changes, but still a decent game, but I played it for the story. The story superseeds the gameplay for MGS for me. Hence why -Great storytelling_terrible game-. Heck, I loved Ghost Babel JUST for the story and nothing more and everyone hates on it. I love MGS, I've beaten them on Extreme but I can't shake the newer gameplay changes past MGS2. (Also Big Boss mode = HATE HATE HATE, REMINDS ME OF PLAYING NINJA GAIDEN ALL OVER AGAIN)
  4. Doesn't change the fact the dude made the friking Platypus.
  5. That's that. At this point I don't really care anymore. Great storytelling, terrible game.
  6. Pre-boob job Eva is win. She had a great set of mango before she went the knife. Glasses Angelina = win
  7. IOC says their ages are legit. Their 16 and you don't exactly calling the IOC a bunch of liers. On the favoritism part, Women Gymnastics was probably where it all was. It's by far the most hype event at this olympics after, uh, well what else is there to talk about. Women Gymnastics is the Olympics this year as far as I'm concerned with all the drama behind it. (And I <3 Women Beach Volleyball)
  8. I'll take up mantle as the host again. File formats don't matter, mp3 is still widely used, and I'd stick to it. Copyrighted music, well F that. If you got a live version of popular songs that aren't from an officially released album, your good. It falls under the fair use act. Editing is simple, and can be easily done with any audio editor program. GC, stick to strictly producing it (well, lack of producing, your job is just to keep everyone on track, not edit the whole thing). Run times don't matter, you can edit whole segments if you want, or even cut out all the silence.
  9. Because he loves the "BEECHEES".
  10. It should; it was designed by the same guy who's in charge of SNK's artwork and designs in its games. (FALCOON?). Shinkiro Also, this topic was on 4ch that keeps coming up. Americans want an angry or agitated character on their boxarts complete with action poses.
  11. As much as I hate to admit it, their twisted way of doing it is a little be like that.
  12. That's a bit baffling to me as well. So an American system, which sells much more units in... America... is favored more by non-American gamers because of its point system. Do explain more! Aright, sorry for confusing you, I was using where I live as an example for taxes because I don't know all the differences between your state+government+ local taxes. What I'm saying is, your taxes are most probably lower then mine. Like all countries, states and provinces, tax is different. What I'm saying is the points system does not benefit those outside the U.S. So while it may benefit you to "tack" on the extra 2-3 dollar tax for your state it's 3 to 5 dollars more where I live over the final price. Not counting the transaction fee from your creditor or bank. Which also vary between banks and states. That's what I'm saying. tl;dr it maybe convenient for you, but rest of the world doesn't share you tax rate. Points system also by passes any sort of transaction fee between the end user, the company and MS.
  13. The fees go both ways if it was cash <> games. This way it's cheaper fees for cash<>points for both you and MS. It's easier and cheaper for the end user. Remember not all states and countries share the same governing tax laws. I know if they did enable cash<>games transactions, I'd be paying for PST, GST and the Quebec tax. Making it cost MORE than the game is really worth, nearly 5 to 10 dollars more. This also applies to Sony's PSN store for me & ma niggas. It's reason why he doesn't buy alot of things off PSN, taxes kill.
  14. As long as we find some common ground on subjects, I'll talk like I don't need to breath. Also, Autobahn should really told us that he could outdrink us. 5 Bucks he's going down first.
  15. It's MS points because they don't want to pay the fee for money transactions. Hence why you "buy" MS points to use instead of outright using cash.
  16. You still haven't meet my Shura It doesn't matter who you choose, online is filled mostly with scrubs using characters with long range.
  17. Problem is some of the sets are duds. inky, hook me dat crap.
  18. I can't do a DAMN thing to go down in the friking tower. I keep getting BSed.
  19. That's just a sign that you need a new set of ear pieces or that your input is bad. It's always 99% the former.
  20. It all really who your playing, where their from and both clients connection speeds. Usually it's a breeze, but sometimes even if they reside very close to each other it can be a terrible calamity.
  21. MAGO, THE ENTERAL RIVAL! That is all.
  22. Same netcode, but it sucks on both versions apprently. Namco still hasn't perfected their network coding infastructure for both PSN and Live.
  23. They intagrated the Matt Hoffman BMX style into the last few Tony Hawk games, something I liked, but I'm waiting for a Matt Hoff's Pro BMX 3. ONE DAY.
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