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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. "Let Down (Early version)" by Radiohead everyone should try finding early verisons of songs they love. This one in particurlar doesn't even remotely sound like the final one.
  2. EArth is next! That should be the tag line.
  3. It's practically the Xbox version. SH4 is so-so. The change from 3 to 4 arn't as adjustable to me. Although his pistol beats all the previous main character's main. Helen(is that her name? It's been a while since I've played it) is such an annoying character. She runs up and beats the crap out of things randomly when your suppose to be guiding her!
  4. I'd understand if it was a bootleg nes game. But actual fighting games on the GBA are horrible.
  5. Arbian Ninja! Kidding Umm, well. codename: creeping death
  6. I've been thinking of grabbing the GC one. Althought it feels and looks really different from the last few games (lack of marriage on the PS2 version was a really big turn off for me). They can keep remaking the N64 version over and over. It never gets old with me.
  7. I bet everyone else does not know how much I love that game to death.
  8. "Halcyon and on and on (The Darkness/Belinda Carlisle/Bon Jovi mix)" by Orbital (live at Maida Vale Studios 2004)
  9. ass. Fire Pro Wrestling Advance 1 + 2 (great game if you like the classical DC or older SNES versions) Minish Cap is mad fun Advance Wars 1 + 2 FF Tactics Advance HAHA! 6 GAMES! I want to list more then 6 so bad.
  10. Well, i've had a similar problem like that a few times. all it required was for me to reboot my modem or my comp or both sometimes to fix it.
  11. Formor mirrors from what I can tell just continue on the suprnova legacy by just doing what they do best. Torrent.
  12. bad, all bad. They just make mame pretty.
  13. Short answer, yes. Long answer, there are many games these days that require a fast connection (let's say, isdn or higher). But there are some games still around that require an internet connect period
  14. Playing RE4 on HDTV truely rocks. I got the component cables for my cube a few days ago. And goddamn. Everything hasn't looked any better in a while
  15. Flat-Out playing the jumping mission over and over and over and over brings me joy like a little girl selling cookies.
  16. You could check out which ports your isp blocks. Because I heard several Cable providers block ports for BT. Over here, Videotron blocks all known BT ports so my friends on it needed to find a way to get past it. As for me, Bell Sympatico DSL is good enough.
  17. Obviously its going to get downgraded a lot. I think he just means the specifics given are so far just rumour. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YEAAAH! It's going to have lots of blurry ass effects that will rape your mind and make you sick as fuck! PS2 is weak in terms of physical power when combining all 3 processings; graphics, sounds and A.I. End of story. I know because you know. Capcom milk milk milks franchises! Doesn't even care about it's own people after what they did. It's being downgraded because guess what! It's not the same people! You think a whole slap together random team is gonna do a better job then the actual people who built the damn thing? I say random because it really is random. 4 dead PS2s, thats roughly several thousand dollars right there. Good thing 2 of them aren't mine. Have you seen the old tech demos for it? I find it extremely funny that were getting to their degree (minus the whole texture skin demo) of graphics they showed us 6 years ago for the PS2. Yo Gryph, EMOTION ENGINE
  18. I doubt it runs at 4.xxGhz and will go the similar AMD way with lower core speed, yet it yeilds results as good as a 4 GHz P4. Intel's EM64(You know them, refusing to say "AMD64") could be matched up or better then Cell when they both eventually come out.
  19. Sony and EA should just work together so we can get one big, poorly managed, poor-ass quality, ninja disc throwing, products. Their puny cell processor ain't worth jack yet. Wait until they show off the real stuff, then everything gets shot to hell right there. I was looking at some old PS2 tech demos. They were REALLY nice. The quality from tech demo to an actual game has come a long way.
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