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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Rumors thats it's going to be downgraded? Wow, where have you been. IT IS GOING TO GET DOWNGRADED. It doesn't take god damn ign to know that. The only GOOD thing thats coming out of it is the video is going to be mpeg2 over divx(gamecube uses divx compression for it's videos). Sheit, not even Mayamaki is working on it. Not even the original team has anything to do with it. It's all new people.
  2. I have two already. Got them both on launch day. Once in Japan and once when it came out in the North America. I don't think owning 2 GBAs is excessive.
  3. Fatal likes men obviously. He has no interest in women at all. He's a closet person.
  4. Dual core...dual core... Sure. /me likes his stuff right now and will worry about it when the time comes. and fsck intel.
  5. Touching a DS is really nice. Feels really comfortable. Try playing Metroid MP. it's crazy fun.
  6. BT open source + in combonation with many legal ways it can be used = the win.
  7. I concur. I love it. It's clean, it's fast, nothing flashy and it gets the job done. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Simple, efficent, clean, fast and nothing flashy is the Offical BT client version 3.2.1. IMO, the most stable version of it.
  8. It's because AZ uses Java Virtual Machine. Ways to imrpove is to google a firewall faq if you have a firewall (router or software), get your lines checked, or just plain directly connect to the internet.
  9. It's just like Canadians and their hockey.
  10. Well, I do know a few sites that distribute live shows of bands and artists. Most of which bands allow distribution and sharing of their live shows.
  11. Yeah..to fix the voices for Ector and XGargoyle a bit, the quality did go down. The program crashed while we were fixing it up today so we'll release a higher quality version tomorrow. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's a sign you should get past god damn mp3PRO.
  12. I think so. I just don't know if their anywhere after the romlinks section went down.
  13. legaltorrents.com Full of distros and sheit.
  14. Sony should just give up using normal numbers and just start using roman numberals. Maybe playstation vii will be good!
  15. There are tons of selling points for each product along with some let downs. I'm just doing this from the top of my head, please correct some areas if they are inacurrate. Blu-Ray: Good: HDTV playback Great recording medium for DVRs Amazing compression and decoding Wonderful capacity (like 50 right?) Rewritable Bad: Need a new drive to play it on Cost Sony HD-DVD: Good; HDTV Playback HD-DVD Systems are forward compatible with some players, but will play like a normal dvd on older systems Also good for DVR Decent amount of capacity (30GB) Cheap, setting to replace DVD Bad: Forward compaiblity issues Less capacity then BR Not rewritable by default HVD: Good: Uncompressed HD videos. Wonderful decoding process (because it's RAW, it's faster and by far the best with the capacity, it's practically perfect for raw data and not compressed) Capacity (100 GB read only, 200, 300 GB and 1TB writeable) Price* Really Shiny + really trippy lasers Bad: needs new drive price** Not re-rewritable Lasers can make you blind *Cheap to make **Players and drives are somewhat expensive
  16. Most people are self-conciouse about this. So limited number of people. Then you get some people like GC pushing people a bit to get on just to discuss anything at times.
  17. Imagine it. Imagine that PCs that streamed games right off the disc insted of installing it. All it would do is promote a CDkey, then it would save on your reg and it would auth from there. I really thing that would be possible once the new formats are out since we've already reached our limit on how fast optical discs can be read on a drive.
  18. HVD New format by a group of companies that is planning to make it content with Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. Capacities of 200, 300 GB and 1 Terabyte are currently in planning. Using a 3D development scheme(you know, the whole Hologram deal), data will be physically embedded onto the disc other then all current formats, which burn data onto the thingy on the outside of the disc. This format might be the winner for ecomonical(you know, cheap) uses over HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. On the side note, it looks really, really, really shiny / shiny!
  19. IT IS A MAD UPGRADE I LOVE. Have you heard their Mega Man 2? It's like listening to Jesus preach porn. No Bubble Man music though. But it still rocks.
  21. ...That's no something I'd necessarily be very proud of. D:' D:' D:' <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This is why I love being on the internet. I can be a tool and still win even if it looks like I lost. Edit: NeoMaster. The SP is 100 CAD? Over here in it's 89.99 while the regular GBA is 69.99, yes I am in Canada.
  22. I absolutely have no clue. Remember, i'm just a puny white boy!
  23. Funny coming from the person who earlier stated that you wouldn't STFU. Anyway, here are some links where people are discussing worldwide sales numbers: Thread #1 Thread #2 Including this quote: And seriously, calm down. You said handhelds sell "tenfolds" more than consoles when Gryphon asked. I disagreed. So WTF is the problem? Should I just allow you to spread info I don't think it accurate? Grow up man. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As you can obviously cannot tell. I'm a troll. There for, as a troll. I can call you a douche bag and various other inappropiate names and claim that you are up there amongest some of those who are just plain stupid in your opinion. Sure, it's your opinion. But I have every right to critize it. There for, you can take your opinion, and shut the hell up. Also as a troll, it is my duty to fight with anyone. Now excuse me, my age isn't where I left it, it's right beside my inaccurate information and relatively large collection of broken Sony products.
  24. I don't know sheit about mame at all. It's like my bastard love child of emulation. Don't care about it.
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