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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. No body liked BMX XXX. And if someone did, they are one f'ed up dude.
  2. Nigga, we'd roll up HnK and roll all over everyone Raoh & Toki style.
  3. I will abuse the open bar and anyone at SF4 and 3s, unless it's Mag, my eternal rival.
  4. Well to be honest about it, i just maximized each HP/Defense/Attack per Asteroth. Giving them different colors and it usually works when swamping out for each one. Each one is built for a speific purpose, it's easier using a CAS for it, but for big ol Asteroth, just mix and match parts per stat. What your looking for is the maximize Attack/Defense/HP. For attack, balance out your shavings and unblockables, for Defense, boosts and HP, Boosts and HP recoveries. Most of those suggetions came from gamefaqs. But damn does this game really has luck running on it's money. I'll post up a sort of balance type I made later.
  5. And their pretty straight forward. 1) Build Love~Love meter 2) Ask them out 3) Have a good time 4) Advance the Plot 5) Get ending. There is no ???.
  6. 1) Don't use Taki, use someone else as your primary that has a decent spamable move that has a realtively safe launcher OR someone with a very abusable 1A move that's safe. It can be chargable, but doesn't have to be. 2) With Mitsu, spam 1A charge when you can from a moderate distance, try equiping him with the Damascus sword and get some decent HP/Attack/Defense, in that order, going for equipment. The 3rd set will be particurly difficult if you don't wait it out. If possible, try to tack on one of HP Recoveries or HP Drains per characer. Luck is also part of the plan sadly :/
  7. On the technical level, I can defend either system because I know the specs inside out for each of them. 360 has the edge on Vram, it has more of it while the PS3 has the number crunching down to a whole nother level which developers both love and hate. That's what you get for rolling symmetrical cores, everyone will complain about it. It's difficult to developer for because of all the extra cores it has. Programming for 3 cores is much easier over programming 1 CPU + 7 additional cores on any given day. Similar to the old Saturn-PSX days where Saturn ran on 2 symmetric cores and was very difficult to program for over the much easier PSX. The written language is basically the same thankfully, but both have to be implamented in variously different fashions (something Tech 5 completely skips, thank you id). I fully agree with Carmack on all fronts on consoles. If MS handles their media situation right, they'll be the much better system overall and competetion vs Sony would be fierce. As both systems would be very much in line and very similar to each other. From then on, it wouldn't matter what system you got. But, with MS's disc media, comes with new technologies for compression, which I highly support. I support highest quality possible at the highest compression possible. FLAC does wonders for audio, PNG for images, and h264 for video. Technologies that already exist on PC and their concepts & methods being applied to consoles and their games. Proof that you don't have to have uncompressed audio on a disc to have the greatest quality audio. While prefered, it's highly unproductive to have uncompressed or barely compressed audio on a disc. Double goes for textures. At this level of the game, I'd rather see developers still chruning their nack for technologies that make the game what it is while still providing and building the stable base of gameplay. Also I have a PS3 now, so you can all suck it. I still prefer PC over any console because the of the "DO WANT" factor.
  8. Farm gold, buy some new equip and with a little bit of luck, you can try to ring out them in a flurry of attacks.
  9. You can BS Tower with 2-3 versions of Asteroths (or CAS with his style) maximizing each one for each stat.
  10. Best use of M.I.A.'s Paper Planes. Ever.
  11. But let's not forget, id is the forefront on practically all new engine technologies since Unreal has them on the run for their money. Tech 5 looks much better overall as a technical aspect vs UE3. I can't wait to dive into Tech 5's SDK and have tons of fun.
  12. Outdoors? Check. Light showers? Check. Muddy field? Check. Extra Memory Stick? Nada. Capturing 45 minutes of the set? Check. Fireworks? Check. All these and more! They played tons of my old favorites all while including practically all of In Rainbows into the setlist. My cam went out during Fake Plastic Trees, which pisses me off, because I wanted to get LSP, Optimistic and a nice mad version of Idioteque. I couldn't see at times because people are tall, and I hate tall people. While nothing new was played, they did make it a really good setlist in terms of order. The Gloaming after Arpeggi was a complete surprise to me and my highlight would be National Anthem, Fake Plastic and Reckoner getting a fireworks display. Best song of the night, would of probably either be Karma or PA. Both had everyone singing line for line. ------------------------------------- 01. 15 Step 02. There There (Thom “Sorry about the rain it follows us around”) 03. Morning Bell 04. All I Need 05. My Iron Lung 06. Nude 07. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi 08. The Gloaming 09. The National Anthem (Fireworks going off at nearby festival) 10. Fake Plastic Trees 11. Reckoner 12. Like Spinning Plates 13. Jigsaw Falling into Place (Thom :If you’re feeling cold you can always grab someone next to you. Then Phil went to hug Colin) 14. Lucky 15. Optimistic 16. Idioteque 17. Bodysnatchers Encore 1 18. Faust Arp (Thom fucks up because of the fireworks display in the background) 19. Videotape (Thom: “”There’s always money for fireworks, the least they could do is put them at the fucking end”) 20. Paranoid Android 21. Bangers and Mash 22. Karma Police (with amazing ending) Encore 2 23. House of Cards 24. You And Whose Army? 25. Everything In Its Right Place ------------------------------------- Now we waited. One of em grabbed me a beer and nestea (good shit).
  13. No. Look up your motherboard and find the drivers for it.
  14. Quit QQing fag. I did not mention SHIT about anything or how he got his powers, I just said it's Deadpool before it was Deadpool. I didn't even watch that trailer and your arguing with me? Someone who didn't WATCH it because I don't give a crap about watching it? What are you? Some kind of internet tough guy? Some sorry excuse of a public servant who has nothing to do then just call me a "faggotron" all day? Yeah, good shit, even Maddox is a bigger douche bag your trying to be, guess what, he doesn't even have to try like you! So get off my cock before you mouth off of random shit I didn't say. You don't like it? Fuck off. Don't correct me you poor excuse of an arrogant internet fuck, you don't have that right.
  15. Which happened in the previous games really. Everyone just didn't seem different enough. Never helped that there was only one voice for males and females each as well. Characters lacked personality a lot. For all the fighting stances introduced, they all looked so similar it was annoying. Did you play DA or Deception? Y/N If yes; While they looked similar, they handled differently in damage, timing and flavor. The key word there is looked. While in the past MK games (MK1 to Gold) everyone HAD the same normals. Same animation, damage, timing. The only difference between characters were Special Moves and Special Normals compared to DA and Deception. NOW it looks and feels like that from watching the videos. They even have the same enders, like the leg trip. Most of them thus far even have TELEPORTS. FRIKING TELEPORTS. If no; 1. Play DA and Deception 2. Compare the damage of normals. 3. Take notes. 4. ??? 5. PROF... No.
  16. I believe it's because MKvsDC is bound to share nearly everyone's normals :/
  17. We haven't seen it yet. If it's anything like last MK, theres bound to be broken everywhere.
  18. I didn't say shit fuckface. So quit your hate shit and get out of my town. In fact, get out of my universe, off my god damn moon.
  19. Broken?!? You want to come here so that i can kick your ass with Kuma, Jack-5 or Dragunov? No he's right, it doesn't help when half the teams at least year Tougeki's had Ganryu player on their team for TDR. The characters are all really close to each other though, but it still doesn't help that it still has a top 6 that everyone used.
  20. It's pumped full of cancer Deadpool, not batshit insane for the lulz and thinks in yellow boxes Deadpool. Basically it's Deadpool before he became Deadpool.
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