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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Wasn't me...at least I think it wasn't me.
  2. He means GOOD RPGs. Dun think Remple of Elemental Evil and Shadowrun are that good <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Get out. Get out now.
  3. BG, Neverwinter Nights, Shadowrun, Knights of the Old Republic, Morrowind, Temple of Elemental Evil Gotta remember though, these all use the basic system that was founded in Dungeons & Dragons.
  4. For one, I disliked FFT more so because it just didn't feel right, It was a good game, but i just didn't feel it. With FFTA, it was different. I actually liked what was going on. The system changes were good imo. I guess people hating on it is what happens when the same team tries to do something different. That slightly reminded me of Capcom for a moment there.
  5. cold water helps the brain tempoairly loses it's ill effects (i.e. drinking cold water when having a massive headache aids the release process of the headache) Thats why you keep water near you.
  6. It's easy for me to put 8-9 (straight mind you) hours into HL2 then suddenly feel like a car hit you.
  7. Wow dude. Seriously, even I take breaks when I start feeling sick. And i'm an avid gamer like you. CSS is NOT WORTH RETAIL PRICE OF HALF-LIFE 2. Just wait till DoD: Source comes out. My small remedy is drinking warm tea/chocolate milk. works best curing a headache, ginger ale for motion sickness along with lying down for a good 15-20 minutes.
  8. Everyone who has played FFTA either doesn't like it when they compare it to the FFT. Which is the most likely reason.
  9. I classified AW completely different too FFTA. Difference between RTSRPG and TTSRPG.
  10. Fails. FFTA = OT Orge > everything and anything.
  11. Your talking about a goddamn handheld. One that actually matters to the market. You sir, are ignorant as me. Onimusha Tactics is pretty fun, reminds me of OT if you know what that is ;D
  12. IE6 isn't all that bad if you know how to tweak it to the max for maximum effeicentcy. The only few reasons I still use FF is because I've already tweaked it to all these different settings which i can't do in IE6 because I lack harddrive space.
  13. Preference really. I've used Opera before, used it for a week, then went back to I.E. Although some parts of it have been incorperated into FF, FF suits more because it is a popular alternative overall. But once sheit happens to it. Back to opera i go.
  14. That wins. Fix your p's though, the lower case ones look really fuscked up.
  15. "Love Will Tear Us Apart" (Peel Session) by Joy Division
  16. Ravensoft one imo tells it the best. Hell the only why I'm ever gonna get noticed is when my mod is actually finished up and ready to disturbut after all the legal hassle. But whose gonna stop ya, being a director and leader of a team is just one of my dreams. And coming from someone who HAS to order people around just to get something done, even thought it's purely done just because we love the game and want to make an original story on it. It's ALOT of hardwork. And this is just from the mod-maker's prespective. Jesus, you know our progress? A whopping 4% overall. But in the end, it surely sometimes pay off. Take a look at the Red Orchestra guys. They developed a mod for ut2k3/4 and took the Make Something Unreal Contest #1! They deserve it for the amount of time they put their efforts, time and hearts into. $50,000 dollars and a free liscense to the UT2k4 engine for a retail game. Thats practically every major mod dev team's dream.
  17. All you need is alot of time, and a dos line. Or...Get a second HDD!
  18. Trust me, most of the internet is uneducated. Thus using default software that comes with windows
  19. If the adware on my comp isn't life threating and bandwidth whoring, it's perfectly fine to me.
  20. Whooo. TV or the OVA? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Both own me. I like the new art style of the TV. Very similar to the latest chapters in the manga. Then again, the OVA was based on the art style at the time. "Decay" by Rei Fu
  21. You'd expect the captured stream to sound better, BUT NOOOO. Stupid encoder crap.
  22. I say you guys do it. Just to show how much we aren't as realible if it came to the end of the world. Yeah, i'm just talking about this place.
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