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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Itch, itch, baby itch. *to the tune of Burn Hollywood, Burn*
  2. Yes sir *crawls back under the bridge*
  3. I guess this is what the world get's for my defying gravity stunt.
  4. Hey, at least when people my age are old we'll look back saying these games were good and our kids make fun of make us calling us old school and other random sheit.
  5. Tomb Radier is dead and the fifa games pwn on the PC.
  6. Random testing stuff again, this time it's me.
  7. And then a big revolt will happen and GC will get executed infront of millions of people.
  8. Google, word of mouth, mostly google I assume.
  9. I demand a negative post that gets more negative with more posts.
  10. I find it funny that people actually try to find combos for Hauzer.
  11. OPPOSE OPPOSE OPPOSE *Raises his fist in the air and starts a coup*
  12. Be quick and PM it to me and I'll give you cookies. lots of wonderful electronic cookies.
  13. I found an animated gif of the shock wave. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:2004_In...unami_100px.gif
  14. And then great wars will break out. Putting the world in to chaos between genetically made humans and human humans.
  15. Thats sounding too much like religion, I like my 42 more now.
  16. My LCD montior can go up ot higher resloutsion, but it really effects the stablity of my comp because it originally isn't suppose to go past 1024x768. At that res though, for almost all the games i play, the only things I turn off are AA and vsync. IMO AA is so useless.
  17. I'd like a woman with some pillows like Taki. Jailbait Talim yo.
  18. AA is pretty useless at higher resolutions. As shown by Doom 3.
  19. I'm just saying, it would be most wired when ever nubs see it.
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