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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. And Axl is the hardcore SNK fanboy on the board. Conflict arise!
  2. More or less yeah. It all happens to deal with your settings, like contrast etc.
  3. Well think of it like this. LCD TVs are based on the same technology that LCD monitors use, and like Agozee said, image retention is all your worrying about. I haven't heard, seen or even EXPERIENCE a burn in with my LCD monitor, which is older than my Bravia, WAY older, I'm talking when LCD Monitors at 15" were HARDCORE EXPENSIVE, that's a good 7 years and nothing has happened to it. And no, I don't have ANY sort of power saving options on this computer, it's all off. What Samsung put there is just in case a burn in does happen, they won't be liable for a suit, because it clearly states precautions against something that really shouldn't happen with LCD technology.
  4. Basically using a Keyboard is like using a stick IMO, except for all the motions your typing them out instead. Other wise pressing the keys for basic and special normals are otherwise just on a smaller scale compared to a stick. Also 720 and 360 skill comes with time, not with any sort of preference too controller, stick or KB. I myself can do it to a consistant degree on a controller and very consistantly only when really drunk on a joystick. I went back to controller to relearn how the basics on how to play games and I can do pretty much nearly everything on a controller when I use a stick. Charge supers are nothing, 360s are a piece of cake when ticking 80% of the time and I still whiff Chunny's super in 3s anyways!
  5. We do know how powerful it is. And on paper, it dominates the 360 in one area, computing. No where else, it can crunch numbers better, not faster (since they both run at the same clock speed of a 3.2GHz) then the 360. Beyond the real difference in rendering platforms, they are very much alike in every way.
  6. You know who I like? Frank Cho. The way he draws all his women are awesome.
  7. Yes. It's very unlikely that the casual gamer will buy the PC version as the PC version is meant for the hardcore guys, those who have sticks and controllers for PC.
  8. It's built around the PS3, so far it looks good, when they begin the porting process to 360, they'll rewrite the entire rendering engine to accomendate the difference in programming. I'm calling 3 discs on 360 version.
  9. Depends on what you mean. Canceling is very similar to 3rd Strike. Ultras are no counter able when they hit, when they whiff, it won't zoom in ala cinematic view. But the game is much different from ST/CE/3s.
  10. Just hope Activison doesn't be a bunch of dicks and ask for a rediculus amount of money. But it should work on 360 since MS has a standard of enforcing crap like that. As for PS3, well S.O.L. until Sony comes up or enforces a standard for instruments.
  11. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/37132.html Also up is interview explaining the system.
  12. LOS ANGELES--During Activision Blizzard's press conference outside E3 2008, Neversoft director Brian Bright surprised many by announcing that non-RedOctane instruments could be used with Guitar Hero World Tour. Speaking today with GameSpot, he clarified some of his statements, offering a deeper explanation--and more than a few surprises. The Rock Band drum kit. First off, Bright said the input at the back of the drum kit would allow its control to be mapped to any instrument with a MIDI digital output. "I was just doing it last night night with a MIDI-10 drum machine," he said, grinning. Second, and perhaps more importantly, he said that not only will Guitar Hero World Tour support instruments from rival Rock Band, but Neversoft had programmed the game to recognize and adjust for them. "We use a five channel input, and we've engineered the game to sense when you plug in a Rock Band drum set and switch to a four-channel input," he said, referring to the descending note scheme used in the game. "The orange cymbal input in Guitar Hero [World Tour] automatically becomes the green fill or the blue pad on the Rock Band drum set, depending on what works best with the song. You don't even have to think about it." Such a move might seem surprising to those who observed previous compatibility battles between the Rock Band and Guitar Hero camps. Bright has no hard feelings, though. "Look, it's ridiculous to expect people to have two, three drum sets," he pronounced emphatically. The Guitar Hero World Tour drum kit. Bright also seemed confident such sentiments were reciprocal. "As far as I know, all our instruments work with the first Rock Band," he said. "Whether they work with Rock Band 2, I can't say." The developer also said that his comments only applied to the Xbox 360 version of the game...for now. "I can't talk about the PlayStation 3 version yet, you'll have to wait for an announcement from Sony," said Bright. He did say, however, rumors that Microsoft insisted on such compatibility was untrue: "I mean, why not? We want as many people to play the game as possible." For more on Guitar Hero World Tour, check out GameSpot's brand-new preview from E3 2008. Gamespot
  13. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/37068.html http://www.gametrailers.com/player/37066.html A unique stealth game based on memories, dreams and set place in World War II? Sounds good to me!
  14. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36932.html Not what I expected, but it looks like less NWN and more BG flavor, but very blurry lines to make a comparison. Perhaps when they show off more gameplay, my inital concerns might be lifted then.
  15. The Prez at Sony has said it, he's "disappointed" that SE decided to go Multi-platform. It's still a business after all, and the higher ups at SE don't see the PS3 version garnering enough sales. To the degree, not enough gamers will be buy them for it. Even though Sony has a pocket in S-E, Square basically told em to screw off because it cost so much to develop the game and Sony themselves spent so much money developing and promoting both Blu-Ray and Cell, which left without enough checks to put out for exclusivity.
  16. It's very possible to port it and I'll tell you how; Add an overall draw distance. Lower world overall poly count. Lower the textures. The basic "Optimize for Nintendo" hardware. Other than Nintendo, Capcom actually knows how to utilize each console's strengths from their past achievement with DMC4.
  17. You know what'd be nice, knowing your user name XD
  18. Oblivion is good, but since this is the 360 version, I can't really say other than it's free achivement points. The PC version is where it's at where mods severaly improve the gimped gaming experience. IMO it ain't realitively close to the D&D Universe at all (maybe Mystara to a degree). As for Forgotten Realms, well, they've butchered and maimed the fluff of it within the last 15 years. Damn you Wizards of the Coast.
  19. Agreed. Only worth it if your into 7's lore.
  20. You still play that crap? On a private server. I'm planning to go back when Wrath comes out because, hey hey, their improving hunter pets (which I've been waiting since, I dunno, 2.3). If I could go back and time use retarded shamans, I'd do it.
  21. Wow, didn't see this coming a mile away.
  22. Not to mention you Pallys still roll all over my hunter D:
  23. Well they did say that as the difficulty increases, the less the pathways are shown.
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