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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Actually, 3d plane changes the fighter completely. Basically adds more freedom which is much needed in some fighters. Watch this, now i'm going to get marked as a 3d fighter fanboy.
  2. A small mini mod that adds the whild(sp?) gun back into the game as seen in various videos.
  3. With a kick ass resell value? I'll hunt you down if you open it.
  4. ^- Thats the second coming of Christ.
  5. IMO I think it failed commercially because it was released within all the (cursed) PS2 hype. And I'm pretty sure everyone knows my position on Sony products now.
  6. I have a few rants up my sleeve, but I save those for my LJ.
  7. Then again, I am thinking about a woman.
  8. Just japanese people who self exile them selves.
  9. Admit it though, they are very very pretty.
  10. Isn't there random-gaming related paraphenalia reviewed?
  11. Avaragely, when your playing a game, you're doing it subconciously, your doing it without even knowing it. Happens to me sometimes, my sister notices my hands twiching in some way while holding any controller.
  12. Could be the christmas holiday talking but, I need another girlfriend.
  13. The story originating on how they first considered a VS games was in 1997, when KOF97 and SFA3 just came out and both titles were on the front of Arcadia magazine. Everyone misread it as "King of Fighters vs Street Fighter!!" A year after they actually started talking about a cross over.
  14. Licesend in the U.S. Best to say go out and crach the DVDs.
  15. I've taken up celebacy in gaming for a while. Mostly because I have nothing execpt a Dreamcast and an unbeaten Echos 2(I'll get around to it, sooner or later). Just the occasional beat down on friends that come over. Damnit, I miss my older sister. Or I can just go this route and say. DAMN YOU SNOW
  16. No god damn respect these days. Crazy, just crazy.
  17. 27 is by far the most saddest episode i've seen in any anime EVER.
  18. It's actually possible to burn 900 megs of data onto a 700 MB CD-R. I forget the brand, but i've seen my friend do it. Boy were we amazed at the fact that it's 900 megs. Some company is working on 1 GB CD-R's i think. still in testing, I think.
  19. The Great Empress is a wonderful track in a pile of hay.
  20. Let's read up on actual meanings this time
  21. Doesn't matter if their fighting games. THEY FRIKING RULED. Anyone knows how this whole "vs" thing started off? It's a rather amusing story on how Capcom and SNK talked about making a Vs series.
  22. Most of the tracks bad or medicore (only Millia's is good). Not Daisuke's fault. But imo, anything after regular XX sucks, he changed the guitar style into a more "trashier" feel which just went down a bunch after #Reload.
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