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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. You know they won't. So whats the use of asking.
  2. He's still sexy. Will give him that.
  3. http://nfg.2y.net/games/psp/psp_flying.swf pwnt
  4. Hardest would be dead languges that no body knows about.
  5. Grand Multitheft Auto mod for GTA3 PC version, out now, servers are running! Grab it and start capping!
  6. Let the mods begin. Or the shoddy ports of the pervious GTA games.
  7. I'm afraid of those kind of people. Thank christ for people who actually major in other langauges that are doing it for a future job.
  8. I care this much [-------------------](not to scale)
  9. With Kawaks it's Inputs, but it doesn't work online like mame and fba.
  10. Strength in numbers eh. What's a zombie movie WITHOUT that.
  11. Painkiller is awesome, the only thing I hate about it is it's god damn engine and netcode. It absoluly blows.
  12. I seriously want to know what's everyone got against the "ball" style. I find it more comfortable then the bat.
  13. Hey hey hey, Quake 3 is THE SHEIT.
  14. I said it right, you're not reading it wrong, I said One Gb.
  15. The speed run record is 2 hours and 55 minutes.
  16. 28 Days Later is not a zombie movie. Let's take some points; Not undead. Infected people (Note: still alive), but still living. Just very, very angry people who'd like to rip you apart.
  17. I bet it would because SA has a limited 2 player mode.
  18. About 14-18 hours long depending how you play it. Speed running it is 3 hours >_>.
  19. Storyline wise, yes the ending was good (dispite my absoluate hate of it's poor continuity). But gaming wise, WHAT THE FRIKING HELL. As for Halo 2's. It sucked.
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