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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. My opinion still stands, just not against her.
  2. Nazi Cheerleaders. Theres a random new fetish i'm going to be afraid to see.
  3. How about everyone settles for mysterious white powder that might or *might not be* anthrax!
  4. That seperates the SNK Fanboys to the SNK Players. At least, I think. KOF not changing dramatically? Christ, Striker system + 4 characters per team with ratio changing? 3 on 3 with Tag Teaming? Blind. BLIND!
  5. Not surprised, since both are selling well. Anyways, CARE FACE! I made fun of my cousin's DS, she punched me in the kidney and threw me onto a couch. it hurt, alot.
  6. Mine still functions, a problem could be your ISP is blocking the ports for it now.
  7. Random thought, isn't shaman king's artist/writer Oh! Great?
  8. Mess around with it's small and infernal options.
  9. Welp, if your artist tracks are MORE then 80 characters, it goes fubar on ya.
  10. TFT = The Frozen Throne, the WC3 Expansion. Lots of things for nerfed since last august =(
  11. Small shiet PStwos just come with a built in network adapter. No HDD, nor HDD plugin(YET!) If you want the hdd, you need to some how get those external usb ones to work, or get an old skool PS2.
  12. I have to say this before someone else does. OWNED.
  13. Unless you have windows each with tabs in them! LIKE ME =O
  14. Glad my random ramblings helped. I'm too old for this sheit. </old man rant style>
  15. All movies are good imo. With the execpt of romance movies are just too damn romantic, I want some comedy in those.
  16. Cut and paste would be to leave everything the same from their original games, Nothing would be done if it was just a "cut and paste." It isn't kthx. Maybe people who say "They should of worked with it more," should maybe read a line in my review. Hmm, I think it's this one; Everyone who says "cut and paste" has to gb2/snk or shouldn't say a thing until they've played it for more then 10 minutes against a level 2 CPU.
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