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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Actually DSL over here in suburban montreal(Bell Canada) is MUCH MUCH better then Cable. It all depends on the provider and house phone wiring as well(solved my interlace problems and I get more speed then before). Sure the intranet is 4Mbps slower, but it doesn't get slow downs nor falls as often as Cable.
  2. WAHA Banners? You are making less and less sense tonight... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WAHA BANNERS ^_______^
  3. When you click the quote thingy, it adds to your reply (in the add reply key thingy). I suggest just clicking Reply beside the quote thingy. You are on Hi-Fi right now. Lo-fi will make this board look like the old skool bbs systems.
  4. At least i'm not whipping out the "LOL DS/PSP IS HUGE!!!1111" jokes from 4ch.
  5. Isn't that what trolls do?
  6. In WH40k, I have WAHA Banners. I feel so happy and honourful. HL and UT:GOTY editions have excellent mods. If you want to feel more recent, UT2k4 has a varity of excellent (and professionally made-like) mods, such as Red Orchestra, Ailen Warm, Air Bucchenaires, Marblemadness and Out of Hell.
  7. In my honest opinion. Even though I hate both of these, I wouldn't get them at launch. Why? Because better versions of these systems WILL come out(watch nintendo crank out a smaller DS and sony with a more stable PSP). And the price WILL go down.
  8. Har har, I love hating on stuff I hate. Execpt for MVsC2, I'm actually starting to like it after 4 years of pure hate towards it. P.S. I love my GBA games all bought yo! All RPGS! <3 GBA GBA GBA!
  9. Launch titles are invaild. PSP's graphics aren't PS2-like AT ALL(more like PS1.7 IMO). Vampires LOST frames compared to the dreamcast version(It's a port of the DC version with the team mode, why the HELL would it lose frames) Another con is for PSP, not all games are destined to last 6 hours, it varies between games, as long as theres a moving the UMD, your wasting battery power. But, there are people cutting cornors to solve this, one is to reduce the amount OF the game it self so less is being read.
  10. I've got something against these "handhelds," I love my GBA to death but these 2, ohhh, these 2 aren't even worth my money until a big cut is in order.
  11. Nothing wrong with it when it's socketed(unless you get one of the models that have problems turning on), i'm talking about it being battery run.
  12. Problem is though, your playing at normal conditions, without fullscreen brightness, wifi disabled and medium volume. It isn't the full picture. It's 4 hours WITH Brightness and volume maxed out and Wifi enabled.
  13. 1) Online gaming for 2d sucks, alot. 2) Lamers are stupid until proven skillful.
  14. I've actually checked out 4ch again. Battery time is indeed 6 hours, without full screen brightness and wifi disabled with RR.
  15. Didn't I say I hate both of them? Because I know I did. PSP sucks because I hate Sony in general. DS sucks because. Christ, I just hate it. Nothing these 2 systems has even phased me of buying them. Well, maybe for Jam Band. But DS still blows because of it's stylus other random crap. Might as well mac on both and say their friking huge and as big as an xbox.
  16. rofl, the cure. At least works for that too, now to try some Placebo and some other random bands I have.
  17. Har har, it works, with Radiohead ;;
  18. I'm pretty up todate with Nintendo's problems, but I knew about those waaaay before I came back here.
  19. I have the world's smallest violin. Wanna hear an MP3 of it?
  20. I got my information from people who bought the system today on various bbs boards, such as mmcafe, 2ch and 4ch. Gamespot goes either way, they suck anyways, along with IGN, go go Play Magazine and japanese bbses! nDS over here got a crappy selection of launch titles, the Japanese launch titles seemed more interesting. And RR still sucks.
  21. bits = less Bytes = more 1024KB = 1MB (yes, capitalisation is needed when comparing bits to Bytes)
  22. 6 hours give or take. Some people say it's 4 hours, some say it's 6. One occasion 2 hours.
  23. The reasons why we all *love* Sony! </sarcasm> Said, if not included; Dead Pixels Unknown Sratches UMD Tray closing problems Missing parts IN the UMD Tray Powering On Problems (note: even happens when a battery was fully charged and/or the adapter was being used) Backlights Flickering This is why I absolutly hate first/2nd/3rd gen Sony products. I even hate their batteries.
  24. Reiko is the only reason why RR looks nice.
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