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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. You a lightwave user I see. Not a big fan of lightwave, but i've used it before. I'm more of a Maya/3ds man.
  2. I <3 Mokoto. If there was just her in her christmas outfit. It'd be perfect for me.
  3. His eyes, HIS EYES. On the other hand you can guess he looks like a heroin addict.
  4. Time for christmas themed wallpapers. inky: he changed his windows theme.
  5. Random fact, the mangaka is actually the voice for Kon. As for the settings and colours, it plainly kicks ass. Maybe it's because I like colours at times. And this one does a great job of doing it. Not to mention the ending theme rocks. She's fluent in english and japanese so it works out.
  6. I so want to say this. I have the world's smallest violin. Can you hear it?
  7. Zack worked with Rez on one track on the F9/11 track and one track for his solo album. Appearntly it's in the mixing process with DJ Shadow.
  8. I can somehow related to that situation. This game is what made dreamcast mad fun imo. This and Chu Chu Rocket.
  9. "Something new" would be SFIII, SFEX games(i admit, 2 of them did suck). When Capcom Fighting All-Stars was beta tested, when capcom made it, they took all the problems in SFEX, and fixed them. But everyone still btched about it.
  10. Everyone knows me for this one: Radiohead and then they'res; Pantera Slayer Metallica Rage Against The Machine Tool R.E.M. U2 The Cure The Doors Status Quo Nardys Dope Nirvana Fear Factory A Perfect Circle Rammstein Orbital Anthrax System of a Down Cypress Hill Wu-Tang Clan Blur X-Ecutioners Proidgy Chemical Brothers Asian Dub Foundation BEASTIE BOYS Indivuals; Zack de la Rocha LL Cool J Roni Size Aphex Twin(yes, it's one guy) Afrika Bambaata Chuck D Sen Dogg Snoop Dogg Moby Neil Young that guy who did the music for phantom of the opera
  11. Ichigo (guy in the kick ass samurai-like outfit) becomes a death god when Ruika (girl in the school uniform) gives him all of her powers. Violence, comedy and Orihime make this anime/manga the own.
  12. Ohh, that think, random rambling on why 2d advocators(the ones that really want NO change at all) fanboys suck. As for Thrid Strike, it's much better. I like my rosters nice and balanced. And I liked the art. And new arc = better.
  13. Their both good. Now fanboys should accpet it or else i'll smash em.
  14. You talking about Third Strike or the broken POS known as New Generation. This what happened to Capcom. They tried something new, and the fans biatch, they try something old, they still biatch, they fix alot of problems, they yet again they still biatch. I'm just glad their still doing something for now, oh snap, i'm wrong, Since Capcom of Japan doesn't care about Street Fighter anymore, they sold it off to Capcom of America because it's actually sucessful here again! Comics that don't suck + Toy Line + Sagat c.Firce = ownage
  15. The anime is pretty good, some tinbits changed, but it's still pretty good. The scanlations of the manga are on just starting off on the 17th book (chapter 145 fyi)
  16. Ugh. Just friking port it to Gamecube.
  17. I've said this before and i'll say it again. Violence is friking sexy. I'm not even gay and I think that.
  18. He(and Ghost and Anti) used my server for the first few months until I had to take it down in August.
  19. SRRY AMD 64 PWNS THIS. No really. You friking intel junkies are stuck with office processing CPUs not fit for gaming. </anti-intel moment> Win 64 runs very good from a build I got a few months ago, most of it's 32bit wasn't coded into it though.
  20. Ahaha, old. More people should be like other people. Download music, then buy it. I do it, sure my music collection is 8000+ songs. But whatever. I support the bands I love, execpt Metallica, their new album maybe sampled badly but it rules live. SEE ME MUSIC COMPANIES, I STILL LOVE YOU, A BIT. BUT I'M IN CANADA SO I CAN DO THIS *downloads Vertigo*
  21. I was a big Pantera fan in `99. I got their last album. Maybe I should buy the rest. Fscking loved their work.
  22. It looks like you had a long night behind you. Nice pic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Told ya he was a crack addict
  23. Internet Radio is basically under a freedom acts of the internet. Which laws vary between countries. This has been a concern for some people, you can play comercialized music on internet radio, yes you can play game music. Now it comes down to this, for people to learn how to "crack" it to record it is where it comes down. Internet Radio basically is lawless to terms. Because it is not the server who is responsible, it is the DJ who is responsible on who plays the contents. Now when you get down to normal radio stations, they don't ask for premission, they basically get singles and play them. Like I said, it comes down the location of the server. From there, what is being played is content of the DJ. Laws for this are straight forward. Because it varies between countries, it's different. I can say in the U.S. this boarder lines Piracy at times because they are so damn concerned about it. If it's in another country, they can't touch it. Legal music can go up to here _ (not to scale) with it. If you didn't know, I used to run the Freedom Radio/1Emu music station on my connection(Gamecop's brand control lead me to start Freedom Radio, but I indented it to be still affilated with 1emu). Yes, I am a shoutcast DJ.
  24. Fail. It's not a SF game at all. If you want to get technical, it just took the throwing bit from SFIII. Which is about friking it. Learn capcom games or gb2/snk. Also note that CVS2 sucked hardcore and SFIII is the better game. Skythe: I did some research, Shin Gouki/Akuma first appeared in SFIIT as CPU, the player enabled one was just plain Akuma(yeah, wtf), along with Ten Gouki/Akuma in SSFII-X for Dreamcast(he also be in the SFII Anniversary for the PS2, but I haven't checked). The difference between the 2 is Ten is more in touch with the CPU Shin Akuma(Fast as hell and double air fireballs and sheit) and has the ability to do the Shungoku Satsu. Everyone else be happy I posted twice within 12 hours.
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