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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Depends which games, but basically yes if their specced and eqiupped properly.
  2. Will it be like every other ncsoft mmo which is full of grindan?
  3. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36482.html Wolf trailer.
  4. Portal was eaten up by the whole gaming community because it was different, exilierating and most of all, fun to play. But to me, Portal was uninspired and only got famous because of the Cube and the song.
  5. I like my turned based CRPGs kthx. The cityscape is a whole different problem all together. A giant clump of uninspired post-apocalyptic locale. FO1 & FO2 had cities too, but you probably didn't get that far to notice. It looks good as something else, but this isn't Fallout. It's Fall Out. What made Fallout, Fallout wasn't the desert (quick travel to skip the desert FTW), it was the writing, characters and ambiguous morality that took place. Which they clearly don't have (I want to kill everyone, including important NPCs and children).
  6. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36144.html Well Seth has stuff to say about Seth, and all that other crap about the game. Claw can remove his own mask and claw now also. Capcom's keynote is tonight at 7 PM EST and you can watch it on g4's website.
  7. Same feeling here. I was ready to write it off as some clone then the info started to pop up. And it's shaping up to be quiet nice.
  8. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. When the blazing sun is gone, When the nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Then the traveler in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark; He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle... No I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. October 21st in North America, 27th in Europe. Actually pretty excited for this game, it looks great, unique HUD and it's creepy as hell.
  9. Yeah pretty much. I like what I see, but I hate the fact it's called "Fallout 3". It's NOT Fallout, it's Fall Out. This game does NOT stack up to FO1, FO2 or even Brotherhood of Steel. RAGE looks more like Fallout then Fall Out.
  10. Bumping because G4 will be streaming all the conferences from this year's event. http://e3.g4tv.com/
  11. http://e3.g4tv.com/e32008/videos/26939/Han..._Fallout_3.html G4 has a better run through with the game, it's more entertaining, but I still have my doubts.
  12. Zune is the competing device that's going against the iPod, which is why.
  13. MGS1 was also released on PC, they could just use PC footage instead of PSX. Blu-Ray doesn't have to be, since it's leading prefered media format, anything Sony would have to be removed, Apple products maybe removed, but don't have to be (iPod would probably get the boot, but the Mac Book probably wouldn't). I played the game and I just debunked about 4 outta 6 of those. It's a great game, but why does it look ugly is beyond me D:
  14. No, I believe about 40~ of the songs in GH3 were masters and the rest were covers.
  15. Well with Tekken 6, you also have to rely on the arcade revenue it garners as well. First and for most it's primary source of income is from the Arcades it's in.
  16. It would depend on the artist and the recording company. No word just a number of bands that'll be appearing. I have heard something about the Jimi masters though, the Hendrix estate really doesn't like Neversoft touching such things, so they might resort to covers.
  17. You'd still need the harddrive space and the disc to varify though.
  18. Well, I guess what Harmonix is trying to do is get more local bands per area. The Euro PAL version has both German & French songs that shipped with the game in Europe as well as the standard english selection. Japan is getting their own set list as well together with RB1's song selection. With the possibility that coming over on DLC as well. They have to make it appeal to the general public per region after all. Then there's the licensing issue, they are working hard to get ALL songs from the NTSC version into ALL versions of the game regardless of regions. Not to mention, when the Asia and AUS PAL version comes out, you'll have more song selections then us NTSC and EURO PAL players. They'll add more songs to compensate for the long wait.
  19. Oblivion with guns. That should pretty much answer your question.
  20. There is no "if", it IS backwards compatible. They're using the same foundation as RB1 for RB2. Expansions would only be songs, but there are a handful of other features that will be only found in RB2, such as create a setlist, Online Band World Tour, adjustments too Band Members section where there will be no leader. The main concern was DLC and instruments for Rock Band 2, lo and beholds, our old instruments will work. DLC will be backwards compatible with RB2 so we don't have to repurchase them for a newer game. At it's core, it's still Rock Band with many new features. Song Creation is the main reason I'm getting GHWT, but I'm expecting it to be a dumbed down version of Fruity Loops.
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