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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Gryph, move the files out of the folder first. Then you can mass edit. I'll try using cooledit. Once I get past this, I might post the way I did it so others can change the music.
  2. Yes, the only thing stopping my from completeting my task of adding all the korean #reload songs to the PC version of #reload is the fact Kite did something to the OGG files. Anyways, by passing it, they did something so when outside ogg files replace the current ones, they play really slow. So by speeding up the songs they can sound like they are suppose to be heard. But what program can do that and takes ogg files?
  3. I've used those XPS comps before at a local mall. Very good machines.
  4. I can't believe that exists.
  5. Halo 2 and online SNK/Capcom/Fighters in general going online could be my only reason to get a Billbox.
  6. Gamespot has some. They look like Doom 3 on a unoptimized coded voodoo config.
  7. Those Godlike bots are actually based on TsN|Byte's gameplay movements A.I. Path noding.
  8. Just keep playing them 1v1 games against med-tier players or lower class ones. I got owned 66 to 5 against TsN|Stile in ut2k4. Oh yeah, change to that .
  9. Actually, they did downsample a mass load of textures and poly counts to the models and walls and redid some levels. The only thing that stays the same is the sound.
  10. To save on money. Getting a AMD Athlon 64 754 or 939 Chipset 3200+ or 3400+ will run ya maybe 100 bucks less.
  11. Zen kicks ass. But the only thing I have a problem with it is it doesn't act like a flash drive that you can just plug and play.
  12. What? SNK Playmore is also porting stuff to the GC? That was new...although it's understandable since the PS2 and Bill-BOX got ports as well. The massive fan upraising that took place on neo-geo.com demanding SNK port games to the Gamecube.
  13. Gamecube owns you masher. MS5 is coming out for it in Japan. EAT THAT.
  14. Theres already a mod for the PC version for that A little too late Dont use it, it submitts your CD key to these bastages... That is a completely different. A new beta one came out developed by a different team.
  15. Not what I mean, but.. What are you planning to do with it? Gaming? Basic office stuff?
  16. Of course; none of the current games can. Still MGS2 is one of the best-looking games on the PS2. Indeed, but there isn't any jaggies in the PC version
  17. The Xbox's architecture is very much like a a PC's x86 architecture, they use the same processor (x86 CPU type, thus very much alike), which leads to PC conversations being supiroir in everyway over the Xbox. And since this is microsoft we are talking about, everything ugenn said is correct as well. The Xbox is just a POS PC.
  18. Wee!(Japanese) It looks and must play ownage. Basically you draw Pacman, then you direct him with your stylus to eat em ghosts! Mr.Driller is back in this one. Use both the stylus and pad to direct Mr.Driller cutting up blocks and stuff. Uses both screens! (yes, one big plane). Capcom Fighting Jam (Evolution in the U.S.) (Japanese) for PS2 is coming out 12/02. Hits the Japanese arcades 10/09! Shenmue Online will have old school sega stuff. Minigames and stuff. You too can be a Chinese prostitute ! Join today! (No really, apparently you can.) Alrite i'm done. (Source: My god, along with Suija-sama and MOK-KOS, Iggy.)
  19. Theres already a mod for the PC version for that A little too late
  20. I got money that this is gonna have an offical storyline that we can all laugh about complete with both SNKgrish AND engrish.
  21. Meh, it's not important. There is no need to understand such trivialities. Mr. Karate Ryo is much different from Mr. Karate Takuma (!). Both between personality(Yes, he HAS one now) and move set (No FBs at all, this aint WA Ryo, this is Buriki One Ryo) and his intro is from Both WA and B1 (complete with different color GI, he laughs ala Mr.Karate then removes his mask).
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