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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Phantom had some nice booth babes at E3.
  2. Gamespot updated their media page with some vids of 94 in action. Plays like 94 too!
  3. The almost ungodly button combonation cheats in 2k3 are extremely easy to do. As for this. It even works on the dreamcast version of SSFIIX.
  4. Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse From there tweak the Double Click setting. That *should* fix it. If it doesn't, get a program called Xteq setup. If I recall, there is an option to enable/disable it there in the mouse setting.
  5. I'm a left wingin` canadian socialist. Go me!
  6. They seemed like "remixed" ones. Not the cheesey poorly made 2k1 ones.
  7. HIGH RES PICS AT SNK-CAPCOM.COM Words to the MAN. Oh yeah, NGBC looks like crap. Why: The old characters originating within the KOF-Style(Nakoruru also) fit in perfectly, along with some of the new guys. Asura, Fuuma and Hanzo for example. As for the others, they look like crap.
  8. Gamespot Link. WOOOOOOT! Don't ask why I don't quote this stuff.
  9. It is. Have you seen it? That was just a guess o.o Edit: Great. Just as they announce MP3 for their Walkmen and their format "ATRAC" (screwy format!).
  10. PSP's screen should a few more inches bigger then the GBA's (NOT SP)
  11. Your right. I had a feeling it was either gonna suck or look so funky it would be scary.
  12. Music is more in the terms of CVS2. The boss characters are Pryon and Shin Gouki. Hidden characters are possible. But were not speculating anything. They could be from other games.
  13. http://img.kult-mag.com/photos/00/00/49/89...000498987_1.jpg http://img.kult-mag.com/photos/00/00/49/89...000498988_1.jpg http://img.kult-mag.com/photos/00/00/49/89...000498989_1.jpg http://img.kult-mag.com/photos/00/00/49/89...000498990_1.jpg http://img.kult-mag.com/photos/00/00/49/89...000498986_1.jpg Looks nice, still cartoonish. Now, will it live up to be a Metal Slug? pssh, neo-arcadia links.
  14. It's a bench mark program for Windows to stress test your rig.
  15. You got owned, now get a real (real or other wise) CD of Windows XP and do the magic from there. Stock Restore CDs suck.
  16. I can't wait! I gotta test my machine with teh a64
  17. Some subscription service. But trust me, there will be other ways to aquire these games.
  18. No, you need to use Sony's format to watch/burn/view anything on PSP.
  19. I've seen something of what you speak of...but...it never took off.
  20. Gamespot updated their KOF`94 ReBout page. Ewww GG~ish Sprites. Look Looks like...ewww. The could of at least redone the portraits. And the hud sucks.
  21. I can't wait to hear the butchered up line. "IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME"
  22. K`anon man agrees with you execpt for the Rock thing. AGE IS MEANINGLESS IN KOF WORLD!
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