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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. We need Halo 2 on PC. NOW. And I like sim-like games so yeah.
  2. (The emote is the link) Another one has gone to the big ring to the sky.
  3. He uploads them and shares them too all. And then he says i'm gay for some apparent reason. My heart belongs to MOK-KOS and my many other random gods.
  4. Hmm... come on Fatal, level with us, are you really a 70 pound, anemic 14 year-old? I've seen pics, he is.
  5. Price between 149 and 199. Final Price = 169
  6. If you look at the TGS2004 Album, theres more, but just judging from the screen shots, it looks like all they did was take current KOF sprites and just edited them to look like their `94 selves.
  7. The roster was all cool, until they added the KOF Coverboys(Who have been in EVERY VS/Crossover game that I can think of), Rock(I particurly don't care if he's in the game cuz theres better). They need Hibiki, Fio, Eri, Duck King, Kim Jae Hoon. Or they can scrap NGBC and make another Gal Fighters! (damn that was a good game)
  8. But come on, this is SONY. Don't forget that their history is in hi-fis, discmans, etc...They know how to make sturdy products. Dun think Sony is always that good I have a sony stereo that I got second hand five years ago and it still works like new. Remember when they said they FIXED the PS2 for the release out side of Japan, boy were most of us wrong on that one...
  9. Kaede and Akari - Good call. Cyber Woo - WTF Rock - Rock has been offically beaten to death Haomaru - Oh come on, use Ukyo or Hanzo. Kyo, Iori - See Rock. The roster is offically crap to me now. Edit: Since i'm lazy to make a whole new post to post this stuff. Kisara is hot and Mr. Karate is in.
  10. Actually when it came out to in american distribution for the Dreamcast, the game was called Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves. More news; Shingo, Saisyu and Kyo(ehhhhhhhh wtf?) will be added to the `94 Roster. Read here(Japanese) Pic of KOF `94 Rebout CLICK Source: S-C.com
  11. I feel like getting an Xbox for this...and fable...and Halo 2....and Fable....and SF Anniversary for Xbox live....and Fable.
  12. The more the think about it the more i get worried. I fear that the PSP's first generation systems will either fail like sheit or be really really durable. But thats just me. Random thing about me: My version 1.0 PS2 (Yes I got it launch when it came out in North America) has gone thur 10(YES! TEN, That is the number right there folks) deaths and rebirths because the damn roater is sheit. So this is my philosphy on PSP. Don't get the first generation batch and wait until the maybe the 3rd or 5th version of it.
  13. Source: Dengeki Online (Japanese) | KIDDI (Japanese) All on PS2, All Online Play, Looks like I got a reason to use my Ethernet Adapter now. Oh yeah, Nothing changed . All are in their original form (with let's say, a stupid survival mode added for kicks). Metal Slug 3-D Dengeki Online (Japanese) I'll keep you guys informed as the news rolls in, in english and japanese and just about any other language i can find (HEY I CAN READ FRENCH! AND SO CAN TARATATATATATATATA).
  14. I think everyone who saw the pictures of the PSTwo saw that one coming a universe's length's away.
  15. SONY's not going to fall for that though are they? They better. I wanna see massive suits in the future. what, lawsuits? Corperate rivaleries are the best dude.
  16. SONY's not going to fall for that though are they? They better. I wanna see massive suits in the future.
  17. On the upside, people who play mmorpgs can play with other people on other systems. Kinda like what Square-Enix with FFXI.
  18. Pssh...I'm glad he's out, he's a boring ninja. And I <3 ninjas. He's just a boring one. Ibuki doesn't even have a profile and she's cooler then Andy.
  19. Yay! More uses for my uber powerful amd 64!
  20. Can't you do that with a hanger?
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