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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. As I said before. SNKP could careless on timeline, age and MOTW story. He's Garou Terry and were sticking to it. Most obvious proof SNK doesn't care about timeline inconsistancy = Rock, he's like 10 in 2k1. But now he's like 15. And 2k2 doesn't even count!
  2. Hope. Hope is our only god, for this at least.
  3. The only thing everyone knows is they obviously redid everyone's sprites. No one knows what else. Expect (Or hopefully) it to be exactly like 94 but with (hopefully) remixed tracks and updated/new levels of the old ones.
  4. Link is in Japanese! All SNK games after KOF`94 ReBout will have Online play. KOF`94 ReBout is coming out 12/21 on god knows what. NGBC will have online play too, and other games after `94ReBout.
  5. What people tend to forget is that the DS is not a gameboy. A new gameboy is sopossed to be released sometime in the future. Nintendo said during E3 that if the DS does well, they will release the true successor of the GBA.
  6. "As a developer, I have more interest in the DS, but as a consumer, I prefer the PSP." -Kojima.
  7. RFLOCKED! ROFL! Anyways, Fresh-Prince was awesome. I don't want a handful of TV anymore, but there are a few shows that still make me laugh.
  8. Gato doesn't like help...Not even if it's family.
  9. They do apparently. This is why I just stick to inconsistant storylines now.
  10. Rock would be around 17-18 in Garou. Since SNKP doesn't care about age, timeline, and most of the inconsistancies after KOF's existance, Rock would be, maybe, between 14 to 16 in 2k3. Edit: The only time Terry met Tizoc was during Garou if I'm not mistaken.
  11. I think once teams are deceided, they are locked until the end of the tourney.
  12. See, thats why I only contradict storylines now.
  13. These pictures are obviously fake, but yeah, i'm just gonna post these anyways. http://seixaoblog.blig.ig.com.br/imagens/kof2k401.jpg http://seixaoblog.blig.ig.com.br/imagens/kof2k402.jpg http://seixaoblog.blig.ig.com.br/imagens/kof2k403.jpg http://seixaoblog.blig.ig.com.br/imagens/kof2k404.jpg http://seixaoblog.blig.ig.com.br/imagens/kof2k405.jpg http://seixaoblog.blig.ig.com.br/imagens/kof2k406.jpg Long haired King is sexy....but fake.
  14. It's gonna be a while till Shoenjump English catches up to 231
  15. Capcom doesn't have rights to Jojo. Thats why no Jojo.
  16. I can tell you guys now. NO MORE NEED FOR FLIP TOPS!
  17. Need a jamma board or super gun to use those things.
  18. Korea, it's spelled with a K dude :\ Anyways, it's all about the eyes isn't it diso? ISN'T IT!?
  19. Such bs, I'm not getting a new MP tap if I get this. (None taken PRican).
  20. Firewall connections indeed to slow down speeds. Theoritcally it shoudl go fast, but if theres problems with the track, the relay data gets sent slower, but it still downloads. Uhh, yes firewalls slow down bt.
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