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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I do not egarly await the next chapter. I wait a few weeks, then grab them by a handful (useally the last 5 or 6 chapters I haven't read yet). Yeah, I need some new books around here.
  2. Fixed it for you. IMO, the DS will be a big hit in Japan and a medicore worldwide. It's Xbox Syndrom. Notice how the Xbox isn't popular in Japan yet it is else where?
  3. He just beat them really badly. I mean if we saw Seth in MI along with Vanessa and Ramon in the background, theres still a chance they could play another role. What role? Who knows. NESTS maybe dead, but maybe something that has to do with Orochi will bring them back.
  4. Easy answer: People who got HDDs for the PS2 got screwed over and now sony is going to make you buy some sort of add-on sheit or a different type of hdd all together (You know the drill, people buying Maxtor/Seagate/Western Digital hdds insted of Sony's offical one that really looks like they just replaced the Maxtor sticker.
  5. Final Roster for Capcom Fighting Jam (Capcom Fighting Evolution outside of Japan) (Arcade / TBA Japan) CAPCOM FIGHTING ALL STARS: Ingrid Street Fighter Zero: Guy, Karin, Rose, Sakura Street Fighter II: Ryu, Guile, Vega (M.Bison), Zangief, Gouki (Boss) Vampire Savoir: Dimitri, Felica, Anakaris, Jedah Street Fighter III - Third Strike: Alex, Yun, Chun-Li, Urien Warzards: Hauzer, Leo, Nool, Muruko(Kanji) Bosses: Pryon, Shin Gouki Console Only Playable (Hidden Characters)(PS2-Xbox / 8/10 Japan) Shin Gouki Pryon For full gameplay & character information head over to SRK and read thread. DT gives out the full lo` down on the release candidate PS2 build. (Offline for some reason) Each character execpt for Ingrid, Dimitri and Alex(these characters have 3), has 2 Specials. The game looks like CVS2/SF3, and plays like CVS1/CVSPro. Which means footsies is back in. All DS and 3s characters retain their EX-able properties. 3s Characters have 2 S.A. (execpt for Alex) and has 2 stocks each, and Parry. Urien's Agaris Refelctor Unblockables are gone! DS Characters can Tech-Hit and Tech-Throw, Anakaris doesn't have a throw, but he has a tech-throw by doing 6+JAB DS + 3s + Warzards Characters can dash. SFII & SFZ characters cannon dash, but their walking speed is faster. Throwing is 3s style (Jab + Low Kick) For more info check out the link to the thread over at SRK. Neo-Geo Battle Collisume website has been updated (Why happen to SNKP's annual Thursday updates?) Release date is current 12/??/2004 (Yes, THIS December 2004).
  6. You need the torrent and the file to seed.
  7. Read about it here. 10/21, close to the speculation date that MMcafe gave me (which was 10/30) and for $149 USD. Also comes with Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt. Great head start there Nintendo (omg I used this emote) Edit: 10/21 in the U.S. 12/1 in Japan, Unknown for Europe.
  8. I think I might buy this expensive coster and use it as one (i'll take pics).
  9. Only problem, most of the character stories are either messed up...messed up. Good for art, bad for storylines.
  10. Not that one asian playing Counter Strike. I play Hacker-Strike.
  11. COSTER PSTWO! More Crazy Coster Action! CrazEH! I can litterly stuff a PSTwo in my pants now. Yeah, it looks like a coster imo. Cuter? Psssh, looks like, looks like...oh hell it's ugly. HDD has to be set externally ! AND IS 149USD/149E ! And WHAT EVER 149USD IS IN YEN! Ok, you may begin looking at this sandwich of a coster.
  12. Yahoo! Japan linkz0r! (Iggy source >('.'>)
  13. Their gonna try to bring in some characters that were originally suppose to be in 2k3. Such as Hotaru (Gato's sister) and Grant (Who was originally suppose to be the Outlaw Team apparently). But it can change it and might. Gato was added purely for the fact that they tested moves on him, just beating him down and stuff.
  14. 3s characters = All Super Arts, 2 Stock, EX-able moves(ala SF3), Parrying, RUNNING SF2 Characters = 1 super (SF2), overall strongest characters in the game(overall, but their pretty balanced), dash Darkstalkers = All EX-able moves, air comboable, practically a more balanced version of their Vampire Savoir bar, dash SFZ3 = Too bad Rose has V-ism, thats practically her worst mode to play in, but it retains all V-ism properties, they added the ability to use Lvl.1 Supers apparently. Warzards = System based on the arcade version of Warzards. Ingrid = Based on CFAS'. 3 Level Supers, kinda like the C-ism. But completely different. Imo, it isn't like CVS2 in anyway since might can't choose you're fighting style.
  15. the 2k3 Hero Team is coming back alrite. SNK didn't have time to show off Shen Woo as much as they wanted too in 2k3. So they're bringing them back. As for the burning hands thing. The Three Hidden Weapons team ending happens at the same time as the K` Team ending. The reaction of Kyo's powers seem to have an effect on the biogically modified K`.
  16. FATE/sword dance - coming to a ISO near you! Fighting game based on FATE/Stay Night, and Assassin is one of the characters. Sooner or later i'll get some news on it.
  17. That would be (Kojiro) The Assassin from FATE/Stay Night and FATE/sword dance, the character concepts are from Type-Moon(same guys who did Melty Blood's art).
  18. Sometimes I wish I can pull crazy infinity sheit like that so I could actually stand at chance at a bi-weekly tourney at a univeristy near my place.
  19. You don't know how helpful that is...I don't know either.
  20. Capcom of U.S.A. needs to update. And you know them, being slow and stuff.
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