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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Its capcom fighting jam Evolution is in US I think You are correct sir. Capcom Fighting Jam is the Japanese title (Offical, Gamespot confirmation) Capcom Fighting Evolution is the American/European title (Offical, Check out the Gamespot for it)
  2. New sig and avatar was why I haven't posted within the last few days.
  3. Seriously. Fsck off now. Yeah and i've changed o.o (go me for celebrating my 5000th spam post with new sheit )
  4. You don't know CFJ kthxbai. WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN` TWEAKS!
  5. To go with that box, I shall give you a cup of coffee.
  6. Pssh, everyone knows asians, including me hack at anything.
  7. But you have to admit, some of the anims are drawn very nicely.
  8. DO YOU AGREE THAT GARNET HAS A NICELY ANIMATED RACK? Take it easy, man. I know that you basically 'hate' this game but you must understand of how they made this game and why. So, don't 'mad' at me, will ya? Garnet, will double check that character at the arcades nearby. I play the game for nicely animated boobies.
  9. KOF2k4 right now, could be going unde the same transition like what 96 to 97 did. Knowing that King of Fighters 1994: Revolution Rebout coming out December 20(Currently unknown system, it's not PS2 or Atomiswave) in Japan and Neo-Geo Battle Colliseum going to be released in December (12/TBA Arcade), KOF2k4(Currently TBA / Arcade) could be held off for quite some time, maybe until April or May 2005. Run down: 1. King of Fighters NeoWave finally came out of beta for Atomiswave (after what? 5 MONTHS OF FRIKING TESTING? Capcom got more done within July and August alone on CFJ then this. 2. King of Fighters Maxminum Impact is released on PS2 3. The announcement of King of Fighters 1994: Revolution Rebout 4. The announcement of Neo-Geo Battle Colliseum being 66% complete (Estimated build time: Starting from June until December, which is the release date. About 6 months in developemnt. Capcom started working on CFJ around the end of April, and having an operating build at E32004, and even being able to test it to the public for feedback and gameplay tweaks, which SNK has yet to do with NGBC and their putting this game out in December? HELLLLLLLLLLLO SVCC IMBALANCEDNESS!! WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' TWEAKS!). SNK has their hands pretty full.
  10. Hey everybody! Let's cry for Fatal, who has no sense of right and wrong! Let's cry for him when the answer to all his problems is logic! Anon. You took the words right out of my mouth Or let's just play some classic metallica and also not care.
  11. Yeah, thats another thread. some of us had said our anger on that.
  12. In NGBC, they bumped up the sprites like what they did to KOF2k2. They fixed Terry's animations and added a few to K`, Mai and Geese, who are all ripped from either SVCC or 2k3/2 are just bumped up. If SNK EVEN CARES TO TEST THE DAMN game is the question. Since they want to put it out in December. I think CFJ will certainly rule NGBC between imbalancedness.
  13. There hasn't been a new release of Chanka in a while.
  14. It's a variation on boxing, it's since it's his personal style (adding random kicks and sheit), it doesn't quite qualify as actual boxing.
  15. He's wrestling themed indeed. He isn't a real one. The man has The Shining Wizard, if anyone knows where thats from (NOT WWE) will get a prize.
  16. Just because he has the stance doesn't completely mean he's a boxer. He fights more like a street thug.
  17. Direct Connect or ask someone here *hint hint*
  18. The Echelon one does have the original tracks
  19. Look closely at his GGI Art. He has SOMEHOW GAINED A BOOBS.
  20. Read Here (Japanese) Target date 10/26 (October 26, 2004). 10% smaller then the PS2, built in modem (ethernet or 56k, no one knows) with the serial of 7000xx and costs $149. Street creds too: Iggy
  21. Doesn't have fake boobs = guy. Has fake boobs and is a guy = Bridget.
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