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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. American OST is the same as the Korean one.
  2. Um, did I already mention that Shen ISN'T A BOXER? More like a street gangster from Hong Kong.
  4. The crazy button smashing you can hit anything bytch! I DEMAND TO KNOW! Griffon/Tizoc.
  5. The PC version only came out in Japan and doesn't have anything like what the Koreans/Americans(well, all they got was the choice to change soundtracks) got. Yes, Controllers to work. My PS2 to USB works fine with it. Since this is the japanese version. No korean ost, no new levels, just the tweaks. Nothing more. Everything else is GGXX.
  6. That model is much better imo. Very smooth, looks like it uses more poly then the other one. Just need to hit the old mirror so the other side appears like a mirror image wehn you save it.
  7. Once you start skinning it the poly count will skyrocket. More polys = more sexy. Althought it is a nice model, I think the arms and legs require more smoothing.
  8. paint, Yeah, most likely paint.
  9. Do any shops of me and you will feel my wrath.
  10. Funny Anyways, a mass load of things were fixed. All fixes gameplay fixes can be found here. The Korean version of #reload has a new "korean" level and the option to switch soundtracks to the korean only soundtrack. The American version doesn't have the extra level but has the option to change the soundtrack. Theres no input lag in none of the gg games :\. Edit; Reviwed it too Clicky Clicky! Yes, I own the PC and Korean PS2 version of #Reload. Gryph: Input lag on Xbox live when it lags. Random observation: GGXX#Reload is selling out on the Xbox since it came out a few days ago/today(September 17).
  11. You should grab some vids of 3s in action. Some do not disappoint and are very enjoyable. Sadly I don't know where to get anymore since Karathrow.com has taken most of them offline If you want really really cheap and is considered a crazy exploit. The Urien unblockable Argis Reflector Combo. it's just plain frightning.
  12. I wanted too then bam, Vanessa bug hit me. Curse the hot 30 year old female boxer.
  13. They nerfed her 41236+P by giving it less invincablity start up and longer recovery frames(Better time to get countered, but it is still an unblockable move). Her 236+P move, which was originally done by doing 236+K is fixed, but added more recovery frames to it. They gave her a very useless dash (note: not 6->6 normal dash), a somewhat useful summer flip that you can Kunai out of in midair. Her 241+Rnd.K has less invincablity frames at the end as was toned down. Theres a few more changes, but the one that pissed me off the most was the replacement of her 3rd S.A. that was NG and 2I. Although her new one is somewhat useful and must be blocked low, I still miss the powerful 20 something hit combos(it was a combo launcher, also was very easy to combo into, instantly dealing tons of damage) with the her original 3rd SA. Oh, and her defense rating is one of the weakest in the game. But that's never really bothered me until I'm almost dead. Overall: She's nerfed, hardcore. I'm talking about Hyppogriff nerfed (if you've ever played Warcraft 3 TFT, then you should know what I mean). She is still very dangerous, because she can cornor combo you to hell. It's not an infinity, but to those who know the recoveries of a certain character, can exploit them greatly with Ibuki. Mix Master Ibuki tactics are the best ones. And Combos such as Jab-firece-TAUNT works wonders (also raises you're attack by 45% every time the taunt connects) when going into her Doushi or Shigure.
  14. well, at least they didn't put Ronald Reagan on it like some people are pressuring the government to.... Props to his crazy charisma though. Evil Empire. I always get a chuckle when I hear that.
  15. She's actually a combo whore since 3s came out. She got severaly nerfed in her specials and moves in 3s. Then again, most of the characters that owned in 2I, either got toned down or totally nerfed. But the good thing about Ibuki is her ablity to mix up and with the sheer amount of combos it's possible to use her. Not to mention her Unblockable
  16. Vannessa surely does kick ass. And she's female, and hot, and 30. and damn I think I just made up my mind.
  17. Yeah so do I in fighting games. Sometimes using the really obsucre characters or those got severaly nerfed ( Ibuki :`( ) is uber fun. Anyways, Out of all the SF3 games, 3s is the most balanced I think, dispite the fact that Ibuki, Sean and noticable others got nerfed, most notably Ibuki and Sean.
  18. Then do you agree that Ken > Ryu gameplay wise? Cuz we can agree on that if you want.
  19. The law system made battles either a pain in the ass or time to be really stratigic imo. Too damn long you say? LIES! You can either A) Beat the game straight forward, or Do all the missions, THEN Beat the game. Those missions offer more time to build your clan and skill.
  20. I think everyone whos played MVC2 would agree with you. Curse Jwong's stupidly made skills. Grab an Xbox, get Xbox live and SF3, Ibuki ownage will reign. Unless you're YSB, there isn't any greater Hugo player i've seen then him.
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