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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. it's around here somewhere, James posted it.
  2. umm.. wasn't maximum impact on the same hardware as kof neowave?. No, it's on a PS2..
  3. Windows Media player comes with windows.
  4. [quote name='Dooz' date='Sep 15 2004, 07:17 PM'][quote name='K`dash' date='Sep 15 2004, 07:41 PM'] I would of imagin a a FFVII game that took place before the original FFVII when Vincent was with The Turks. But this will do justice for now.[/quote] That's being developed. It's called Final Fantasy: Before Crisis. It takes place before FF7, and the main character is Reno. One problem, though, is that it's only for cellular phones. [/quote] Farther, farther then that Too bad Before Crisis might not come out overseas.
  5. Narutofan.com has them, and around chapter 210 to 215 you'll know.
  6. I would of imagin a a FFVII game that took place before the original FFVII when Vincent was with The Turks. But this will do justice for now.
  7. And I That just happened. He went go happy or something. Possibly tripping at the binaries.
  8. God knows why. I've stuck with Charlie since forever and it fits him. Nash ain't bad either, but Charllie sounds more, him.
  9. They did a better job with Maximum Impact on fairly old hardware then this.
  10. woot woot? The game takes place a year after Advent Children. FRIKING VINCENT WOOOOOOOO!
  11. Chapelle said it's getting old. *Feels a disturbance in the force of a billion "I'm Rick James, b!tch" fans cry*
  12. System: NEO RomName: samsho5specialed Game: SSVS [temporary name] [Program] 272d-p1.bin,0,800000,79E5ECA,0 [Text] 272d-s1.bin,0,20000,FC0896CF,0 [Z80] 272d-m1.bin,0,20000,18114FB1,0 [Old m1 rom] [Samples] 272-v1d.bin,0,400000,32156CFE,0 [new v roms] 272-v2d.bin,400000,400000,E46D2F8,0 272-v3d.bin,800000,400000,9AA45090,0 272-v4d.bin,C00000,400000,AD8FABB4,0 [Graphics] 272d-c1.rom,0,800000,8548097E,0 272d-c2.rom,1,800000,8C1B48D0,0 272d-c3.rom,1000000,800000,96DDB28C,0 272d-c4.rom,1000001,800000,99EF7A0A,0 272d-c5.rom,2000000,800000,772E8B1E,0 272d-c6.rom,2000001,800000,5FFF21FC,0 272d-c7.rom,3000000,800000,9AC56A0E,0 272d-c8.rom,3000001,800000,CFDE7AFF,0 [System] CartridgeID: 272 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0Needs the real SSVS m1 to sound properly.
  13. Yeah, it rapes my ears. It's not SSV Raping, but it's close to it.
  14. Team Japan's ending Kyo goes all Orochinagi on Shingo.
  15. Yeah, I just noticed that, I should be shot.
  16. You have must the encrypted V roms and make sure the vconv.exe is in the same folder as the v roms Source 272-v1.bin CRC:76A94127 272-v2.bin CRC:4bA507F1 Target 272-v1d.bin CRC 32156CFE 272-v2d.bin CRC 0E46D2F8 272-v3d.bin CRC 9AA45090 272-v4d.bin CRC AD8FABB4 Correct source, but it fails to notice them, I even put the Vconv in the folders their in.
  17. for some stupid reason it fails to notice my v roms
  18. Taijitsu, it's a real martial art, a friend of mine actually does it and it's a good work out. But yeah, Lee reminds me off Jackie Chan, while Gai-sensi is Bruce Lee.
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