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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Ok, heres the run down. WMA files are perfect if you plan on using them for let's say, saving space on your harddrive or want to put a massive amount of songs on an MP3. WMA's audio encoder is very different to MP3 and it's compression ratio is better almost at no cost of quality, think how MP3Pro is a 64KBPs MP3, but with special software that you can download, that 64KBPs MP3 can sound like a 192KBPs MP3 (Which is the theoritcal KBPs for CD-Quality Music). WMA uses a simply compression system that is very different yet very similar to OGM (OGG's parent for sound files, OGG is the true original meaning for both Video and Audio codecs) a 320KBPs MP3 in OGG could be just about 500KBPs OGM (Which will be much bigger then an MP3, but perfect for LOSSLESS to LOSSY conversion). With WMA, you can take the same MP3 and convert it to a lower bitrate(44khz/320KBPs MP3 to 44khz/192KBPs WMA) to WMA without that much noticeable quality loss. Overall: WMA perfect for saving space with the kicks of MP3. But if you want perfect sound, Lossless all the way.
  2. I collect limited edition anythings. I'm gonna pick up those SF Controllers soon.
  3. You know more about SS gameplay then a quite oof a few of us, you deserve the title! And now, I shall await for Mizuk & Zankuro stuff.
  4. Manga is about every week about on Saturday/weekend. IF their is an issue that week. With the anime, same thing, Saturday/weekend.
  5. Their is no acting, just blowing the sheit out of monsters.
  6. I want the end of the world before the end of the world wide web. So I can die surfing the net.
  7. *caugh*idiocyandignoranceareneverexcusable*caugh* EDIT: I just realized that the middle section of my caugh is pretty hard to decifer, so I'll just write it out: Idiocy and ignorance are never excusable. *cough cough cough* Anyone got a lozenge?
  8. They look similar imo o.o Just gotta give The Rock a little more paleness or something
  9. Style? You have to use knifes if you want to kill with style. Or a newspaper... KGB style! KGB is like, just removing them from existance without doing anything. Just poke them and they vanish.
  10. Bosses are supposed to be stronger and either have cheap ai or really really over powered moves. I'm happy with this Mizuki, cuz I can like, use her.
  11. If Id has anything to say, they say The Rock would fit The Sarge more then the untakable Doom Marine,
  12. Free in the U.S. None of these deals are out for the rest of North America. JUST THE U.S. Damn you, DAMN YOU. [Can anyone order that 9/11 tribute dvd for me ]
  13. You need to Zetumei Ougi Amasuka, Zankuro and Gaoh to fight Mizuki.
  14. Gamefaqs.com Search Samurai Shodown V or Samurai Spirits 5. Read the translation, it's incomplete with some characters. So you're going to hex the SSV P1 to translated the story?
  15. so should i attempt to set up a translation team and make a patch of some sort for ss5 or something? But there is no story to translate... you sure, cause i played in japanese mode, and there was an ending and several conversations... THeres no story in SSVS Theres story in SSV, but not indication on why Mizuki, Zankuro and Amasuka are there. Thus useless.
  16. Theres no story in SSVS. And PLasticslug, that concerns the rom, go check out the rom thread in the Neo-Geo section and their is no patch yet. This thread is for changes/strats/anything not relating to the rom.
  17. In Garou, Geese dies in '97(Offical, he finally dies, Terry tries to save him but Geese lets go), but here he is, in 2003, alive and well. hmm.... but are you SURE geese is back in kof2k4? The dude is alive and well in 2003. He isn't dead yet in other words. And Rock looks friking 15 now. Thats a big gap from 2001 to 2003. SNK doesn't know their own timelines anymore.
  18. A better alternative is OpenOffice. Comes in Windows, Linux and Mac falvors.
  19. I've said this time and time again. KOF and Garou's timeslines are mixed up so bad that it's KOF's very existance condradics anything relating AOF and FF. KOF is a completely different universe now and so is Garou. Just because you see Garou characters in the game, doesn't mean their going into MOTW's story. In Garou, Geese dies in '97(Offical, he finally dies, Terry tries to save him but Geese lets go), but here he is, in 2003, alive and well. Their too different universes now to be even considered the same one.
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