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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. The history behind the number 11 thru our the 2,004 years after the birth of Christ. That's the reason behind this post. Sorry if you didn't get it at first or at all. Maybe you didn't read about the Chile Coup D'eta that was backed by the American C.I.A. Hundreds of chiliean people killed when the coup happened. Or the Munich Olympic Games massacare, maybe you've heard of that one? This is point out events that happened on 9/11. Their is more meaning behind this post then it seems. You're just seeing it.
  2. History here! Looking back, the supposed birth of Christ, the end of the American Revolution, the first modern era Europen war, the coup d'eta in Chile all the way up to the Twin Towers fall. The mysterious number 11 makes it's mark even way before the 9/11/01 attack.
  3. ask around the animesuki fourms if you want to buy one.
  4. That's pretty obvious. I don't practice PS7 alot like she does.
  5. It's great dude. Episode 3's, which I almost know by heart, is by far the best. The self destruction laptop is the best.
  6. The Broken owns. I still await for episode 4.
  7. I haven't read MegaTokyo(is that the name?) in 3 years, give me a break.
  8. A ninja that uses windows...Thats like, wrong. Linux ninjas > all.
  9. He either took a screencap from the show or someone made it for him/picked it up.
  10. And you get to clean the bathroom while your at it.
  11. Yep that was me. And no, my bathroom doesn't look like that. But I saw some kind of flocked up centipede crawlin' around the wall. I'm worried they're laying eggs...Should I just hunt through everything and kill them with lysol? Just gas the whole place and remember to warn your neighbors. Lysole > everything
  12. We must gear the bumps from afar! Yeah, she has some mad skill now. Damn her and her randomness.
  13. A 3D render right? Wow, a living, breathing 3D render that looks like sheit. A bit touchy? Seems like you have a grudge against me for no reason. Yes, I love random grudges against people. Maybe I'll haunt you when a ghost kills me.
  14. Everyone says that. A 10 year old kid can. Hell if you played with a starcrafter who was korean and 10 years old he would own you like no tomorrow.
  15. A 3D render right? Wow, a living, breathing 3D render that looks like sheit.
  16. SNKP's Tate Norio and Capcom Sound Team made the music for SVCC.
  17. Fatal keeps shopping my head on things so I quit posting pics.
  18. Get the code encrytion code from James and simply apply to your build of Mame or FBA.
  19. What's with the "engrish"? I thought it was pretty ok. It's SNKgrish.
  20. Apart from that; I was quite dissapointed by the Background music and the Washed out coloured background art - The woods and crystal shrine was OK tho. It didn't have the "feel" of KOF or SF (which makes it unique, but in this case it was a negative attribute because of the poor effort). I was sadden by the music. If you didn't know, Capcom did all the sounds for SVCC. And they can do so much better then that. Maybe it was the Neo-Geo's limiations. And, yes, I too as well feel SVCC was rushed, the poor hitbox detection, the untested hidden characters, the uber cheap A.I., tighter and somewhat needed more accurate input time. SVCC engine on it's own is great. Improved within 2k3, and being used in NGBC (If that big DOUBLE EXCEED lettering didn't fool you). But at the current rate, they are aiming for the end of the year, which will cause problems.
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