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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. and how many christians are there in this Earth that we are living in??.... Dude, I was born a christian, but I've relinquished my fate in Christianity because I find it tiresome and controlling like Cuba. While I'm at it, I might be a buddhist for kicks, and I want some beads, a robe too.
  2. Without breaking the barrier. Every cause, every thing, every event, has a mathmatical question and answer. With science, every thing that happens in this world can be explain scientiffically. This seperates the believers(of God or something like it) and non-believers(atheists or something like it). The theory of evolution is heavily supported because of it's eveidence.
  3. Welcome! SSVS came out. sammaz mess around with Chihiro hardware and thinks he can play all of Chihiro's games on Xbox now. I made a few bootlegs! IRC room is chatty again because of SSVS I still hate NeoWave SNKP is making a game call Neo-Geo Battle Coliseum JUST to compete with Capcom Fighting Jam. And lots of other stuff I don't know about. pssst, if you want the link, i'll PM it to you because you're a cool kid.
  4. He's like "meh." You do something bad, just say "forgive me god" then he goes back to playing chess with himself, or goes back to sleep.
  6. Cough cough, find them and you get canadian maple syrup, not the cheap imatations!
  7. We're all going to Hell or something like it anyways. We made God, but we can't get rid of him that easily it seems. Damn crazy religious bastards that think that their is god and tries to convince me.
  8. It's Gamecop were talking about. He thinks this major sound bug is a minor one. Like if his car was on fire he'd think it would be just overheating. LOL, thats a good one. Just taking poorly made cheap shots at ya GC.
  9. PS7 > CS. The learning curve is insane. But it's worth it afterwards. If you're like me, who someone who uses different programs, because with each program, you can get the same options, yet a different effect, I use The GIMP (Freeware), Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop 7 + Elements (elements is sexy). Wider range of creation.
  10. Evolution > Creation We can't play god, when we don't believe in god.
  11. I don't like the dark anymore, but I dislike sunlight. Rainy days are nice.
  12. How the hell did we get to talking about the Gaming Revolution show...
  13. Like I said, get the Unibios I linked you in your PM. Then press Coin+A+B+C at the same time during the game to get the cheat menu so you can enlable it.
  14. I want to open an arcade. But sooner or later. I might just end up opening a net cafe. And get like, maybe one cab or 2 cabs.
  15. It's CliffyB for the sole purpose of hanging out with pr0n stars.
  16. I'd pay alot for a sealed, unopened, copy of 3s for Dreamcast. I've never seen one here. Used or new.
  17. John Carmack is one TEH GAME GOD. Followed by CliffyB. He hung out with pr0n stars!
  18. I stopped at that part with teh blood thru the body. Thats as far as I can go without spoiling it,
  19. You have a man-god? You fag. Is he a Capcomologist? No, he's a guy who lives in japan and posts on mmcafe beacuse he's a admin with teh profess0r. Yes, I have man-gods. I also have woman-gods. such as Ooshiro, Kaori Mochida and Miho.
  20. MMcafe mostly. Since Iggy is my one of my many man-gods.
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