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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. First RAR it To split it, right click like you would, execpt choose "Add To Archive" then in the "Split to volumes, bytes" type 150,000 which is should be equvilent to 15 megs. Then Rar the split files.
  2. Winrar. The best way is to rar it into parts, then rar the parts into one big rar file. thats like, 4:1 at least.
  3. Crazy Squaresoft. This would of been the best of the best fan made remakes EVER. Morn it!
  4. I've seen CD images get compressed to as low as 63 megs (15 if you count Ikaruga). But video files, I've seen them maybe compressed 2:1 sometimes 3:1 for a file that big, which isn't that much.
  5. Yeah, I lost the ID when I reformatted a few weeks ago. Times like this I should write stuff down on like, paper. Old school.
  6. thats very interesting. And somewhat useless.
  7. The MPAA isn't in the dark with Bittorrent. They are quite aware of the bootlegging happening. Microsoft and the RIAA is hot on their trails too, trying to find some loop to shut down sites like that. Anyone remember Bytemoonsoon? One of the greatest torrent sites before suprnova came along. Cease and desist order shut em down along with the lack of donations and help. Kinda like 4chan. Their was also Microsoft's attack on isohunt of adding a filter to filter out Microsoft products.
  8. since when do World Heroes games matter? Never.
  9. Their's also a bootleg called Towering Above the Rest. Which is a collection of Radiohead bootlegs from 1991 too 2003. The guy is paying royalties now and 10 memebers from a website called AtEase have to pay $250 USD because they downloaded it.
  10. It's not legal if you can buy them from a legal publisher anywhere in the world. Shorter version. If it's on DVD by a legal company anywhere. It's illegal! But since the internet has almost no laws. Almost all the "big" subbers stop when a series has been licensed in the U.S. But if it isn't. It doesn't stop them to rip the Japanese DVD and sub it.
  11. Rampent Bootlegger ~> And now, I shall purchus an xbox now.
  12. They find this out thru your IP address.
  13. Obvisouly a gig of data since they are Gigabyte-Discs.
  14. Their not Naomi/Dreamcast coded style GD-Roms.
  15. At the cost of lowering the bitrate and audio samples it becomes smaller. Althought the ratio of compression is larger, it removes a real big deal of encoding data. If you plan on playing it a TV via DIVX player, you'll notice the reductions during the movie.
  16. Doesn't mean their going to abandon their boards. Abandoning Naomi 2 is stupid imo. Chihiro would prove easy porting to the Xbox then the PS2 or Gamecube. So if they were going to make a game that was most likely be on Xbox or mulitiplatform, Chihiro would be the way to go. But for porting to the PS2, Naomi 2 or System 246 is better choice.
  17. I hope you have a big big PSU.
  18. It's gone forever. Unless you PM certain people that is...
  19. I got an email like from my ISP once. One thing, quit using any form kazaa.
  20. I reckon that Sega will keep the VF series on the Naomi 2 board. So, I don't see much chance of VF5 making it to the Xbox Or they could us their version of Namco's 246 board maybe even Triforce. OMG, As much as I don't give much heart into VF or Tekken. Seeing it on Triforce would be sexy. It wouldn't be likely that Sega would use the Triforce system to develop VF5 on....It would either be the Namco 246 or the Naomi 2 system. Sega isn't doing anything to it yet. The logical step for easy porting would be System 246, but in terms of quality in power, Triforce would r0x0r.
  21. I think the song was a shot at me since I've currently re-read Love Hina like 6 times along with playing with some samples.
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