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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I bet it's going to get Subbed right away. But I'd rather actually buy it.
  2. EDIT: That is one nice looking improvised XBOX controller, AntiWinner22. What do those 2 extra buttons do on the top of the controller? I'm not blind dude. I know you said that. But I still like saying "Rumor control, rumor control" That would sound badass as a sample.
  3. Is silent, easily-handled, and powerful enough. So is the best weapon to use in a murder. But still...the way I see it is that only Gordon Freeman, vampire hunters, and rangers in D&D use crossbows. I want a crossbow now... And those guys are that movie with the wolfmen.
  4. Even from the board. My vacation is on the 10th floor of the crystler building,
  5. Alien Vs Predator for teh CPS2. > All other AvP games.
  6. Happens to me too sometimes. I remember one time my P4 somehow clocked it self to 4 Ghz for 30 seconds, then down to 3.06, then 2.8 then back to 1.3 Ghz. Greatest day of my life.
  7. I'd give you a rock. Then I'll run and you'll cap me with it.
  8. I think...The end has come. No wait, it has to come after I finish eating my cheese burger.
  9. I saved the webpage. The final post in the Rom Request Fourm will live on.
  10. Dream matchs with charcaters from different eras aren't suppose to have storylines. AT ALL.
  11. I don't think there will be a particular storyline. Maybe it will be only a dream match. Confirmed from Gamespot. There will be an original storyline. Yeah, we're screwed. Ooooh. How they can explain that Geese is still alive? Is he immortal? -____- Yes he is. Along with Washikuza and Nakururu.
  12. I don't think there will be a particular storyline. Maybe it will be only a dream match. Confirmed from Gamespot. There will be an original storyline. Yeah, we're screwed.
  13. Neo-Geo Battle Coliseum Officel Website(Japanese) has been updated with Terry, Mai and Geese from Fatal Fury series, Washizuka from Last Blade, Marco from Metal Slug, Nakoruru from Samurai Spirits(Shodown) series and finally represening SNKPlaymore's flagship game, K`. The art style is very reminicesance too CVS2's C-A-P Groove. Maybe this is a cheap shot at Shinkiro, who is a former SNK Artist now working for Capcom. Washikuza, Marco have new sprites obviously. They tweaked Nakoruru's SS4 sprite a bit to fit in the KOF setting. Looks like they re-did Terry's win pose and added a few more frames to K`s Heaven Drive, Mai & Geese. Geese sprite is from SVCC and KOF2k2 PS2 edition, Terry is Garou in 2k3 with loads of anim improvements, K` 2k3, Mai is from SVCC + 2k3, Nakoruru is trimmed and edited to fit with into the settings. Not on the site yet is Kim(SVCC/2k3 Sprite), Tung(RBFF-new sprite), Asura(SS64-new sprite, add Shiki and it's all good), Hanzou(World Heros-new sprite), Fuuma(World Heros-new), Ai & Yuki are both new as well. Oh yeah. Apparently this game has a storyline. Holy crap we're screwed.
  14. The Chihiro in PC terms is a "P.O.S."
  15. I use the good old 3 to 5 second rule in homes without pets. 1 second rule in restautrants How ever, doing it in public places = who the fsck wants to do that?
  16. If you think about it, in certain games, the mouse sens is set on a specific default, which of course varies on all games. Setting one to your accord is by far the most obvious choice. Note: Half-Life mods don't count, anything related to modding doesn't count. Out of the box games count Depending on how you are. You can either turn it high enough to shoot and follow, or low enough to play lone wolf with a the sniper rifle only to get knifed in the back by a noobie while wispering how much you own into your mic (someone better read VGcats to know that sheit)
  17. Overclocking takes voltage. Sooner or later a 330 Watt PSU is going to give out due to much volts being outputted. It's better using a 550 Watt one because it's overkill and I have less chance of frying my motherboard.
  18. My friend works at Microbytes. Which is a computer store realitivly close to my house. I can get discounts on stuff, I got a free, passively cooled 9500 from him and I purchused 2 little bottle thingies of thermal paste for cooling my 9800 Pro's ram for about 26 bucks.
  19. Quick, someone send me a 550 Watt Powersupply, some copper piping, like 23 transistors, a copper pipe and some liquid O2.
  20. That was...more expensive then how much I got mine for. I paid 120 CAD for mine + the 3200+ it came out to...more then that.
  21. Imo, the only HK Comic i ever liked was Street Fighter 3 Third Strike. Everything after that was either bad or medicore.
  22. Wasn't it going to be on Namco's System 246 board? Edit: it's on Namco's 258 board http://www.system16.com/namco/hrdw_system258.html
  23. I don't know exactly. But, YEAH! I want one.
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