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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. 2k2 offically doesn't have to do anything with the KOF storyline. It was a dream match after all. But the problem I have with these HK comics is they have an inconsistancy with ingame storylines.
  2. You my friend. Have a badass motherboard. Cuz, thats mine!
  3. Yes, use sexual orentation as an insult and calling me dumb isn't right. I don't share certain amount of info, because I find them rather half of what I read is useless. But this is months old to me. So it wouldn't matter to me. I want some Liquid o2 now. I wanna clock my AMD64 to unbareable speeds.
  4. Then quit your whining on why I know about it earlier then you.
  5. I've seen it done before. Why should I see it again?
  6. Y's that I've had bad luck with them. And I hate the shape of their MX series of mice.
  7. This sometimes conficts the PC. As proven to me when I used it on my sister's PC. My controller didn't work on the front ports, but other devices such as my USB connnector to PDA, MP3 player, worked.
  8. I don't think it's that cool...
  9. A source. I really want to know what they license up.
  10. Care to link up with errm, a link._. Rob Zombie "Girl On Fire"
  11. I have a PSX to USB adapter also. It works completely fine with all my games. Emulators and what not. Yes it auto detected it right away once it was plugged in. If you use front ports, try using your back usb ports.
  12. Using a program like Virtual Dub. I suggest you google some tutorials.
  13. Encode it to a lower bitrate. Thats compressing video. Or using a different codec. Or, since it's in 3 parts. Merge them together, then re-encode them as 1 650-700MB divx file.
  14. Make all weapons crappy, then tell me how you feel.
  15. Sealed. Because he's too strong. In storyline. His power is just barely above Gouki's, but lower then Gill's.
  16. Oro owns. Because, he sealed one of his arms.
  17. Just like the american martian white trash in Doom 3.
  18. Ian La Creme knows best. How do I know? :\
  19. Owning before or tweaked versions are always good. But nothing beats the original. Unless the original is horribly wrong in every way. Like....like....God knows.
  20. If you didn't check the link. Kusanagi, Maki and Chizuru are selectable. Most likely Adelhied and Mukai will be button codes. All stages are either remade into 3D or new.
  21. In Japanese. Hitting japanese markets in November is the PS2 version. Backgrounds look decent, and the option to play it classicly 3 on 3 is good too for all you tag haters/abusers/just plain hate it.
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