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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. That way is called "IRC" or any other relating messenger service. AT LEAST PUT IT IN EFFECT AFTER SSVS COMES OUT
  2. From the 2002 attacks till now. The majority of these "terrorists" are actually chechens. Not muslim as previously thought. From the 2002 Moscow Theater, only 1 man was Muslim, the otheres were all 100% Chechen men and women. The women, the Black Widows, who seem to be muslim at first glance, are actually chechen.
  3. To save money and gain something that doesn't take up harddrive swamp space and RAM is a All In Wonder. TV Turner cards use up more processing, All In Wonder cards use it's own seperate processor encode/decode signals, thus leaving your CPU to do other things.
  4. Rage against the Kermlin. Sad to see something like this. But I recently watched a documentary on the 2002(?) Theater seige. These are well educated people that do these things. I feel sorry for the chechs because their so mistreated by the russians. But I feel sorry for the russians for the massive loss of child life.
  5. Quit la cream crap while your at it.
  6. if you're cheap, get an ATi All In Wonder 9600 cards.
  7. That would be up to Chankast it self to emulate at full speed.
  8. G4TechTV's ICON's. The show was aired August 19 if I recall.
  9. HOLY CRAP quit quoting that picture. You're raping my eyes.
  10. 8 versions of Street Fighter is enough. VF is just getting started. No need to biatch at it......................yet.
  11. Quit shopping my head in paint.
  12. You have classes? I had to learn that sheit on my own. I'm jelous!
  13. Zombies ate my neighbores. Man so many memories of this game. I should still have the cart somewhere.
  14. Area 51 exists, but it isn't what you think it is.
  15. The best thing I can cosplay is a tree from Jin-Roh. AND THERE AREN'T ANY TREES IN JIN-ROH.
  16. I accidently double posted a thread. So I just renamed one of them. "Crazy Fatal" was the first thing that came to mind.
  17. I'm never gonna hear the end of this aren't I?
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