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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I've never been to Nashville...
  2. Trying to fix your mistake? Anyway have you picked up on any Japanese school girls lately? Sleep with anyone's best friend's sister yet?
  3. The "New Topic" Button called my name... CTHULHU FGHUN!
  4. Clicky clicky! Japanese is still there for all of us who prefer Japanese voice over the English. Oh, and it's coming out on Xbox a few months after the PS2 release over here state-side. Ignition Entertainment is doing the PAL port, so all is well for you euros.
  5. The lack of wreakage is what most interestes me. Conspiarcies theorists unite! U.S. PLANNED EVERYTHING!
  6. The way Rumble Fish, and lately other Sammy games that aren't Guilty Gear. This game is actually "2.5D" to a sense. Because it uses a 3d skeleton mesh for the character with each limb drawn into 2D. You notice in the video their is some choppyness, from the beta reports a while back. This is infact is a flaw in the game and not the video. At times, mostly noticable on the Kaya and the other pallet swamp chick who looks like her show the flaw the most.
  7. Most likely no U.S. means no PAL. The only way I see it to make it to NTSC-U or PAL is for a publisher to pick it up and do it ala #Reload. Summary on #reload. Mejesco picked it up for a NTSC-U and PAL Distribution because Sammy didn't want to do it.
  8. spit shine That doesn't work at all i might add!
  9. AMD XP 2800+ or AMD 64 3000+ / Pentium 4 2.1 GHz or better 512 RAM or more My guess list for chankast :\
  10. I'm not suprised it's not coming out state side, Iggy from mmcafe mentioned it. But i failed to mention or care about it.
  11. Beast's Lair - Melty Blood Act Cadenza information Everyone, start getting used to knowing where all these characters are from. It's "Tsukihime." 2 "new" charcaters will hopefully be from the Tsukihime/Fate universe (Fate being another Type-Moon franchise) totaling 20 characters. 16 Confirmed so far (the original Melty Blood cast, not ReAct). Missing characters are Kohaku & Hisui tag team and Satisuki. Ecole is doing the Naomi conversion(Ecole's conversions to consoles and arcade games have been really poor in the past, it seems they are really putting out on this one). Type-Moon(Japanese) sourced the code out to them. For more information on Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night in english click here. Neco-Arc owns you ^^ Source: MMcafe for the link.
  12. SNK is still a seperate company. Sammy & Sega are merging. Sega is going to own everything Sammy makes for the arcades. Sega > Everyone.
  13. Kim, Vanessa, Ramon are in NoWave as hidden characters if I didn't mention that.
  14. Good old google. It is very very not worksafe
  15. After the merger completion this coming October, Sammy is moving all it's arcade divisions to Sega.
  16. SNK has their own style and Arc System Works' has theirs. I would hate a GG~ish sprite KOF.
  17. More or less pics over at Gamewatch. http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20040902/sam.htm Edit: From Rugal at mmcafe "Oh, and the fact that Hanzo and Fuuma are in it makes it definate that SNK aquired ADK's licenses after they went belly-up." Marks why they're in the game. Edit: Video floating around http://www.snk-capcom.com/forums/showthrea...p?t=8863&page=2 IMO, I don't want too much charcaters, i want maybe the same amount as CFJ, And CFJ is extremely balanced and the final boss for it hasn't been found yet. I'm only saying this because CFJ might be the last Capcom 2d fighter for a really long time, so I'm making the best of it. And they have 3s Chun-Li so I'm happy. Edit again: 22 charcaters...reminds of another game... Same KOF Sprite style, expect bumped up. Like what they're doing to 2k3 for PS2. AA'd and bumped up.
  18. I think it was clairified in some other board I used to visit. Well, one of the two they can't use if I recall.
  19. No, it's the other way around. I agree. I am no longer disgusted by Goatse but am still horrifyed by Tubgirl. Some pictures of diseases are worse than Goatse. Both are equally terrifing and scary as hell. When the nukes start falling, cockroachs and goatse will still be alive. And I'm still waiting for Time magazine to do an artical on it since it is an internet phenomenon still. Even after all these years.
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