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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Isn't World Heros owned by a different company? AVD Or something?
  2. It's 30 megs dude :\ I only read the first book, and i'm grabbing the audio books off stupid klight right now.
  3. 30,777,070 bytes for about 73 seconds. Calculate and find out.
  4. Also just in time for elections and conventions that have republicians and democrates. Rage Against The Machine "Bulls On Parade"
  5. This could be a "Japan" only thing where Copyright laws are much lighter then anywhere else.
  6. Sammy's offical site should have pics up. Some vids over at s-c.com in the media section.
  7. Well, there we have it. Justice is female, end of discussion. heh, her body suit makes her look like she has *ahem* u know at the crotch That has been brought up more then once on many boards. Frankly, most of us just stopped caring about it.
  8. I'm all up for women in highly attractive clothing with big busts and all, but Rumble Fish's controls blow.
  9. AMD64 = the own. Well, at their current rate of their fighters, the only thing thats killing them, is gameplay. And some of the poorly rendered 3d backgrounds in some *coughforcefivecough*
  10. Evolution owned! And I'm still waiting to see a Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with Marilyn Manson. Man, I don't weather to laugh at it or just "OMFG" really loud.
  11. Yet no one could get a screener of Innocence. When that sheit being on DVD?
  12. I expect a DVD rip within 6 months. I have a Innocences, captured from someone in the theater and the quality is semi-decent, got the whole screen, but like I said, quality was a little on the down side, and it wasn't subbed either. Anyways, if we do get a cam version, I expect it horrible quality. Like anyone will find a screener of it.
  13. I will give gmail to random people on IRC.
  14. Hehe...I love it when John Carmack said that. "Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important." That line is implanted in my head, along on what Hollenshed had his take on piracy at QuakeCon`04.
  15. Video game plot is like porn with story.
  16. So basically, your the director. You know you could of just said that.
  17. Title. So yeah. This game sucks telling from the beta. Kinda like that sheit Force Five game Sammy put out a while back also. The last time this game was even mentioned was during the Beta. So far, no one has even cared to give a damn about this title. If you can't figure out why Sammy is putting crappy to medicore fighters within the last year (with a limited roster to boot), it's so they can build a roster for Sammy vs Capcom.
  18. There are different type of great minds in the video gaming business. Kojima is one of them, but if you don't see, why should I even convince you? Kinda like why I don't see anything thats popular with the WWE and their still people that still watch that bullsheit of wrestling. Edit: Substance is fun, if you don't own the original MGS2, get Substance, if you already own MGS2, you're just missing out on just some VR, minigames and sometimes funny alternative funny universes. Oh and SNK, please specifiy "Video Game Designer." All that means to me is nothing much.
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