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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I got my Isuka cart, i'll try dumping it! Together with Gryphs & Agozer's coding of the Atomiswave emu! WE SHALL CONTROL THE WORLD. Yeah, like I have the money for this
  2. [sarcasm]I blame video games and their violent nature![/sarcasm] The man should be beaten.
  4. They fit, you just need to mod the plug a bit,
  5. Nobody really gives a damn what it was suppose to be. It's Shotokan to us so we are saying Shotokan no matter what. And fighting games have storyline at all. I'm right, and you're following Capcom U.S.A's crappy translation. And why did you even responed to it if and I quote "Nobody really gives a damn." I rest my case.
  6. People fear the GG Like spirtes, thank christ IT ISN"T LIKE IT.
  7. Pricewatch for prices, but when I checking for a 9800Pro a while back, HALF THE PLACES THAT SELL IT FOR LESS THEN NORMAL BARELY HAD OR HAD NO international shipping + insurence.
  8. Well, they wouldn't have made it anyhow because LB series failed to gather a great attention like SS series in Japan other than the minority. Yuki is tight on budget and manpower, and they cannot afford to make a inefficient investment again. SS series still presses the KOF series in its sheer "being played" factor in Japan. Those japanese are stupid, can't even recognise a good game Even though most of their games are for their market and just mindlessly translated to the masses of [insert country here]
  9. Buy! Bah! I'll just grab my spare 40 gig hdd and buy a network adapter. Saving 80 bucks!
  10. I just want downloadble Content, thats all I want.
  11. Who knows, my best bet is they didn't have total creative control when they made SSV.
  12. Thats fixed in the MVS version, but in the AES version it's still censored, as in no one gets cut up. SSV IS an improvement over SSIV. No stupid CD combos, ridiculously powerful fierce slashes, annoying flickering background crap. Plus more SSII like play mechanics like dodging, rolling makes it a winner. The only downside to SSV was the gameplay balance. (ie Yoshitora infinite and the qcf+B all day bullshit). I agree, this game should be able to top if not, be better, then SS2 imho. It's that damn fun. I remember when SS2 came out, I was just a little lad, but it was damn fun. And SSV was good, then SSVS, will make it better!
  13. Whoa, if SNK didn't make LB, who did?? I said Yuki did, SNK published them. It's pretty clear SNK owns the franchise, but they're just lazy to make those games them selves.
  14. More like it stops working once you tweak it too far I've done that before, and I don't regret it!
  15. Practically all video cards these days have S-Video Out.
  16. Unless your the press. DAMN IT I WISH I WAS PART OF THE PRESS.
  17. It's not gone, you just 100 posts to see it. Without Spamming.
  18. You know I would, but I don't have 1.2 gigs free.
  19. It's good for mappers, I don't have the site link anymore, and it's legal to the terms where you don't extract everything and create your own warez version and distrubut it over BT. *Ahem*I mean...I didn't warez Counter-Strike Source *cough cough*
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