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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Windows 7 is the response to all the big companies "We have all this hardware, we ARE NOT GOING TO THROW IT AWAY JUST FOR VISTA".
  2. Yeah, I want to move there for 6 months just to suck up the experience of living in a city way more chaotic then mine. But a place costs 1k/month, and it's not even a nice place in a good hood either.
  3. I played it for the gameplay. I didn't really give a damn bout the story until I beat the game and the xpac.
  4. It's just art assests that make the game look like WoW. Something they've done since WC3 and after wards was the cartoony asthetic that appears in WoW and the ill fated SC:Ghost. Remember when SCG was more Splinter Cell then the cartoon look? Think of it like that. I miss Grimdark Diablo, they're adding more High Fantasy elements, but still making it dark, which would be Dark High Fantasy :V
  5. Yes I have, I've complained tons before, but I don't bother it, I just usually tell em to "stfu, your buying it anyways".
  6. 1) don't care 2) don't care 3) I play sorceress, there for I don't care 4) HIGH FANTASY GRIMDARK? IN MY DIABLO? NEVER! 5) Eh, walking the line with that You aren't the biggest fan, just probably one of the pickyest. Just sayin. We can pretty much blame Chris for any problems that pop up for the Diablo lore. The dude pretty much knows when he makes a mistake (lol Hakkar! LUKE SKYWALKER, NO ONE HAS THOUGHT OF THAT!)
  7. Looks alright, but I'm taking the same stance I am with SC2. Going to wait. Nice teaser, decent gameplay footage, you'd think I'd be hype, but I'm not.
  8. Only for the money, id probably wouldn't do the porting themselves to PS3 because of Carmack's distaste with multi-cpu architecture. At most id will do what it's usually done, get someone else to port it even though the engine is being made to support PC, 360 and PS3, the console ports will still be no doubt be made by another company.
  9. Destroyable clothing = best use of why one would always choose girls to use.
  10. Bumping because I posted on my blog bout stuff. It ain't complete, if you got any questions shoot em.
  11. Alright. Hopefully I can squeeze this 4 day escapade in just 2-3 blog posts. Fucking POS word filter. Alright, Day 1; Day one is nothing really. From 8 PM Thursday night to just about 4 AM Friday morning I killed it playing some FreeF2 (TF2 Free weekend just started, my regret in not getting freebies! But totally worth missing out on!), then played some ST with MagoMachine for a bit to kill some time after packin my crap (which I did in about an hour). After that, ate some breakfast and left the house at around 7:30-8:00 AM and headed to the boarder. American B.P. sucks hardcore, through as crap and we got stuck for a whole frikin hour there when we expected to be in and out in less then 20 mins. Anyways, our drive continued and at about 12 PM we are already in NY state just waiting for our exit (Exit 14 I believe). some more drabble, got lost for a bit, then go to the community center. There we chilled out the rest of the day arriving at around 2 PM at the community center. Eating, being laid back. We (meaning my sister and I) didn't really talk to anyone there other then the occasional aunty or uncle coming by to say hello. We left at around 5 PM back towards my aunt's house for the after reunion party. Also the scene of where most of the "kids" (all those between 18 to 24, a.k.a. the next generation) broke out the alcohol and started to drink. This is where I came in and joined the festivities of shot glasses and mixed drinks. We drank ourselves silly, even got some of our aunties into the mix, who got drunk realtively quick from just 2-3 shots of Grey Goose. Now, what I had was some old school mixes, such as Pepsi+Grey Goose and rum+pepsi. Not counting the amounts of Grey Goose I drank straight up because I was crazy (Which apparently, a trait my whole extended family of 2nd and 3rd cousins also share), also Grey Goose is flocking great vodka to drink, way better then any other type of vodka I've ever had, I was chugging that like it was water. Now mind you, as I previously said and told some people, I have never experienced a hangover, ever. Now all my cousins know as well, as I was fine and dandy when I woke up the next morning, but that's a different post (or section). One thing I remember most vividly was when a few Vegas girls were taking Red Bull+Vodka shots. Just to make it simple, I'll call her Allie, she accidentally spilled a few on her jeans, which made it look like, well you know. Laughter ensured and many pictures were taken, though I have yet to see them (which reminds me to look up all my cousins on facebook, I forgot to take down emails of mostly everyone, which I regret). She high tailed it to get changed quickly while covering the area in which she spilled some of the drink on. It was good times We drank some more, posed some more, drank some more then posed some more. I'm waiting on the pictures, granted I'm most likely not in any of them due to the fact I'm was always doing something while the posing action was happening or hidden in the background. Also, fun fact: They didn't ask my name until WAY later in the evening. Good fucking times Continuing... Time really flew by fast that night, kinda late already decided to sleep it off. My family got the worst place, we slept in the friking RV because they ran out of room IN THE HOUSE. Not very comfortable place to sleep in. Especially the next day I woke up sore as hell. Day 2a; So yeah, woke up EXTRA early on Saturday, like 7. I woke up moved around and left the RV to hopefully grab some food, to which I did, it consisted of a slice of bread and a cup of coffee. At the table, I managed to talk to one of the other Vegas girls. To whom I found great interest it as several of the adults in the kitchen were talking about how my aunts we're trying to hook up my dad at the time to find a girl into marry into the extended family (so to speak, so every cousin I met would of only been 1st and 2nd cousins, as oppose to how it is now, all 2nd and 3rd cousins). They got into suggesting I should marry into their family by grabbing one of the girls I met the previous evening, to which myself and the Vegas girl went "WTF!" on, which I mostly think because me and her we're the only ones under 30 in the whole kitchen. I didn't act on anything, I just found this Vegas girl pretty awesome since I got to know her better over the course of the stay. Lovely, I think I'm into my 3rd cousin (That also, is another completely different post/section), at least we aren't blood related, at all. The morning consisted of getting ready for a renewel of vows/party taking place in Manhattan. Since it was pretty much me and Vegas girl just being bored in the kitchen, just talked a bit about NYC, since we both never really had a tour bout the city. I managed to score the bathroom after she used it to take a shower, I've been waiting to use it for a while because the whole house was using both bathrooms to shower. I just let her go first because well, she's a girl :/, ladies first and all. I'm pretty sure it's 10 AM now, thus we returned to our respective places to get changed. Two vans were used to transport everyone staying in the house that day (which was 17 people!). So thus, we began our trip to Manhattan, talking with 2 newly met cousins (did not see them yesterday because I was down stairs drinking), a 19 year old chicky from Tampa with her 16 y.o. brother. Honestly, Tampa girl is awesome, also, very short. The 45 minute trip from Rockland to Manhattan wasn't boring because all 4 of us (my sis included) talked about random crap, such as hockey (!!!), music, on how old our iPods were compared to theirs (1st gen mini and 4th gen phat iPod for my sister and myself compared to their a mini and shuffle). Next part is for another time. Or post. Up to me or how much I'm bugged.
  12. I'm thinking it's a glitch. I remember when I posted something about KOFMI2 having a whole slew of possible extra characters when I typed in characters that were not yet announced. I was wrong.
  13. I think what they mean is it'll use the same chip as the 360 similarly how some products used a variation on Cell chip.
  14. Wrong. id's new tech engine is called id Tech 5. id's new game in development is RAGE. The id Tech 5 engine is being built for both RAGE and Doom 4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Id_Tech_5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_(video_game) i'm tired D:
  15. Yes there is, and it requires a lot of digging. The internet is just a piece of a bigger puzzle. You need to hit registries and talk to your realitives.
  16. There's something like that? I must of missed it because I spent most of time looking at the REALLY nice jacket on the 3rd floor before leaving.
  17. From what I gather, they want to make Doom 4 more like the tradiational Doom games of Yore but have more of the modern Horror-Fright Pop in YO FACE style. Doom 1 and 2 back in the were scary. Basically, Doom 4 is another reboot possibly.
  18. Haha dude, I loved that place! My 3rd cousin from Japan took some pictures of us there. I didn't grab anything though, expensive siht. So do you work IN RCMH? Or is your place just outside of it. I managed to grab a picture of the Marquee which made me happy. Next step is get tickets to a show there next time I'm in NYC. Yeah I carried my Phat iPod out pretty much all the time I was there changing tracks on the fly. TS isn't really an area where some heavy shizzle wouldn't go down. I got pictures up and plan on making a few blog posts bout my trip. Just like to have a discussion thread here since no one reads the blogs XD (funny thing since I have the 2nd most read blog in all of 1emu yet NO ONE bothers to comment).
  19. Not at all. On the first day (well, 2nd day technically), several of us were decked out in formal wear after coming off a day cruise around Manhattan. We roamed around from 6 till 11 in Chinatown and Little Italy. Next day, armed with my iPod, AC\DC T-shirt and red shorts, I fit right in the city. Not a lot of difference between NYC and Montreal overall.
  20. Nope. We even passed by in Harlem. Someone told us to hide our sh!t.
  21. Welcome back, K'da...errr...Wizard! How was the Statue of Liberty? I didn't get to see it up close on the island, but I did see it from short day cruise I went on. Got a few pictures of it :3
  22. I've had pocky before this whole craze about it being an anime related item wave happened. I'm asian, never really bothered to notice it, I just happen to enjoy the crap out of it because it tastes good. Something I grew up with.
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