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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. The most of the original team left Yuki.
  2. The game is confirmed, but the true question is have they started development? The same thing can be said for Sammy vs Capcom while were at it.
  3. Thats the one right there. I get to see Ubisoft's Montreal Studio! woot woot ^^
  4. I originally saw it here. From there, I followed those sources knowing that this is utter BS. (Why do I keep saying BS, besides the fact i'm watching it, it really is!)
  5. Source: http://forums.gaming-age.com/showthread.php?t=11781 Discuss. EDIT: I removed two lines that could potentially be spoiler material if this turns out to be true. Go to the site to read them if you want. Thats actaully the biggest pile of Bullsheit ever. This "test" leads back all the way to the Neo-Geo USA Fourms from someone named "Mr.Big" who also said there was a secret SVCC2 Beta test a while back, which was, if you didn't know Bullsheit. All in all! This = Utter BS.
  6. Or beat em with sticks, I prefer sticks.
  7. If or at all HL2 comes out. Lost all hope around April-------------->
  8. Needs to be dumped Damnit, come out now.
  9. Uhh, what exactly is your sig file type? If it's your basic jpg, it shouldn't be a problem.
  10. a 6800 is a top of the line card right now, 9800 Pros and FX cards are last generation, thus cheaper, but they can put out as much as the new gen cards could, if you own a 9800 Pro or a 5900 Ultra, saying you got them at launch, they will last at least 3 generations. Take alook at the GeForce 2, lasted right into the 6800 Generation, thats 4 generations of video cards it lasted and the Radeon 8500 also. Although these cards can't put out what they used to 5 years ago, they are practically the bare requirement for games. 8500 Pro or a GeForce 4 MX440(Which is GeForce 2 core clocked higher).
  11. a64box oh yeah *does the horns*
  12. [caps]OMFG I'M IN THE PRINCE OF PERSIA 2 PLAYTEST! AND THEY KNOW I HAVEN'T PLAYED THE FIRST! I OWN! I START ON FRIDAY! OMFG! [/caps] Going to Ubisoft and be like, you guys own.
  13. Click arcade dude, it's beside the pacman at teh top of the screen.
  14. No requests for rom or isos in here until you seee the magical fourm and get 100 posts without spamming.
  15. Kensou, Bao AND Chin. We need our druken kung-fu master!
  16. The way would be reverse engineer, but thats illegal, unless your in Canada or Taiwan.
  17. I'm pretty much a slacker now since I got laid off. Now I'm going to focus on my schooling and finish reading my driving book yet another time. [echo]The 9800 Pro! The 9800 Pro![/echo]
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