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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. The bashing is even aimed towards the people. Your military's actions speaks for themselves, and you, the people, aren't even doing a damn to stop it(you are, but out of how many?). Let's face it, no change will happen if no one speaks out. It could take one small voice or a friking riot, do something about it.
  2. "Without America, their would be no pollution." Word of though.
  3. The U.S. isn't the authority figure in the world. It's the U.N. You know, the UNITED NATIONS. Simple enough that this isn't a war, it's a genocide. Sure, but do you have the hard proof Saddam used checmicals on HIS own people? No, what they show on these TV networks is what they want you to see. I'm not saying Saddam is a good guy, but you need the proof, from someone realible, BBC, Routers, not CNN or FOX NEWS. Nothing in this world is even remotely close to "freedom" anymore. Everything is governed harshly now. People take other's opinions highly within a discussion such as this. A political showdown. Because this truely shows your innerads on where you stand in the a wing's motive. It's pretty clear what 9/11 is, a personal attack on Bush, but what you see there, the soliders, the people, it's all true. Those who do not pick arms, cower, those who have arms and kill or torture their realitives(albite, are the exact ones who did not get arms in the first place) retaliate. It's a never ending cycle. This is genocide. A massive genocide, on both sides of the map.
  4. Actually, it's because the CPS3's Secutiry Chips keep frying when their dumped, rending the board useless and making it a paper weight. While their are dumps of CPS3 games, they don't work, at all. Because of that, it's a dead stump right now because those damn chips keep frying.
  5. YOu know, anyone whos ever went against random_guy has never won...
  6. Alrite, answers in the order teh questions are said: SNK just makes horrible overpowered bosses, hell Igniz had an infinity and the CPU used it. K` hand caught fire uncontrollabley because Kyo(their endings happen at the same time, since it was truely God's Sacred Treasure Team that faught Mukai. Not the Hero Team.) was extremely pissed of what happened to Chizuru. Iori disappears, most likely to fight Ash. I believe very much that the Team Ikari will be back, because no one can denie the fact that Leona is one of the 8 Heavenly Kings(she replaces her father) that control Orochi. When Geonitz came into existance, Leona's blood began(Riot of Blood Leona) to boil and she killed everyone in her village, her father couldn't even stop her. It seems she and Iori cannot deny their fates. @Dooz: I was wrong about the date most likely, MOTW takes place around 2006 most likely, but I really, really, REALLY need to double check that. Because it's the date of MOTW that contradics KOF2003's existance.
  7. Freedom is just a free form of the media. Like eskimos and the Brumuda Triangle.
  8. Not to mention that AW uses a different type of cart and encryption. For all I know, they can have frying secutiry chips ala CPS-3.
  9. CANON MAN TO THE RESCUE! Chances are it's another one of those shadow characters, possibly Misty. Zero, but it isn't Zero. The old guy doesn't have a name, SNKP is just reusing his shadow because their lazy. New character Misty Speculated it's Ron, but it doesn't seem to be shaped like him K` is very human. He was actually kidnapped by NEST possibly around the age of 10 to 12(telling from Whip, who looks around 8 at the time he was kidnapped, she would be about 14 around kof`99). From then on he was expermited on and cloned (his clone would be Krailzid) and infused with Kusanagi DNA (thus giving him his fire powers). It's not Ash, no way Ash could of done it, Takuma is useless to Ash. It was either Marco(Butt for all you bastards) or the man with the Monkey Mask seen in his SVCC ending and FF games. He isn't! More or less, he's just the filler boss battle. Against Gato is an execption though because of his win quote against him. That's impossible because THEIR ALL DEAD! 97 is the proof, they killed them selves in the name of Orochi. Chris still alive because she(Yes, originally He was a She, but I guess they stopped caring and made her a him) is/was the medium to bring Orochi into existance. He's sealed...sealed. Ignis is talking about Bao, who controls the Dragon Spirit, not Orochi, the Dragon Spirit story/side story is on hold until we see the new Soliders team or something. Chizuru isn't dead, she's very much alive, all Ash did was take the mirror, or most of her power, she wasn't dead at all. CANON MAN SAVES THE DAY YET AGAIN! Training Hotokumarurrurururur(that little kid in Garou). Since SNKP could careless about canon lines and games, Geese is suppose to be dead(as of Garou: Mark of the Wolves, which takes place in 1997 if I remember correctly). There, Garou is treated as a seperate game, and is there for NOT in the KOF universe at ALL. You can argue all you want, it's NOT in the KOF universe.
  10. It was just the intro. Kinda like KOF`98Dreamcast Edition, it had an anime intro also.
  11. Hotsuma is badass too now. Joe in PS2 Shinobi was just way too awesome with killing everything in one hit, infinite shurikens/kunais, and his major badass one liners. I agree.
  12. Link Here. Xbox fanboys rejoice. Comes with live, but Story Mode and A.B.A. are in thin air. It's still a shiet game. Source: MMcafe -> Gamespot.
  13. Yes, that would require a slide card or flip-top + bootdiscs.
  14. The current bottleneck of this generation is the CPUs. Our video card's power and speed are being bottlenecked because of our CPUs.
  15. When will games take true advatange? No one knows since everyone in the industry (currently) would like to create one type of process because dual processing requires more coding within the cycle. And the Quake 3 processing was shotty.
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