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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. You have good taste. If anyone mentions ANY VF you say they have good taste.
  2. if something is wrong in one OS, I can just go fix and replace on another. Win98 because I still got some games, Win2k because i can fix XP's problem, Win64beta because, well, I got a AMD 64 , and slackware because i'm a slacker.
  3. Someone already posted this in another GG thread.
  4. Too watched too much Escape movies have we?
  5. read the readme dude :\ it useally tells you the command to load it.
  6. I'm a Samsung Western Digital Seagate guy.
  7. Asus is good, but expensive, but their worth the price. if your cheap, go for abit mobos. Theres another brane, but I forgot the name. Which is also good.
  8. I agree dude, that guy lagged hardcore on me.
  9. I find it kinda sad how those P4s are meant for gaming and all they do is excel better in OFFICE products more then games.
  10. Running at a nice 2.23 GHz. Dependings on your mobo, you can OC pretty well with an Asus board.
  11. That'd be interesting. Maybe it'll show up in the NES Classic series. Actually, when Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snake came out on Gamecube, they bundled it with a special edition Gamecube, the GBA player, the very first Metal Game game and Twin Snake.
  12. I'm 16. But yeah, I like AD&D2.0 more then the current versions of D&D, I donno, maybe it's because i've been using ad&d d20 for 6 years and rarely of the other stuff.
  13. I assume you mean that in a good way. D20 was fun for a while, but it turned into a stale game of statistics after a while, so I like the "dots" thing again. Both ways. But yeah, I was born into the whole d20 system when I was about 10
  14. You have been a member since 03 and you only posted 10 times? Not everyone is as big of losers as us. We're not losers, we're superior to them in every way! WE ARE SUPER LOSERS More like people who have some sort of lives and spam alot
  15. Dude, i'm much better off looking like a fscked up freak from The Suffering. SO yeah, Woo?
  16. I got my self an Asus K8V800A64 mother board with a 3200+ Amd Athlon 64. Damn good, plus I didn't go over my buget because I already had a badass video card.
  17. The most obvious solution is to down grade teh quality of the sounds/fmvs. Unless you know where to get these DVDs that hold more then 4.7 GB. I mean I have like 2 that are about 7.5gig DVD+rs, my cousin gave em to me.
  18. unrar the file(s) then open the cue file in a your prefered burning program (drop n drag into it or click FILE then OPEN IMAGE).
  19. Yup, i used to be all about the bigger the better, then I saw benchs with AMD owning up the p4's at lower clock speeds. I tried one my self, boom, AMD became my new god...and my wallet agreed too.
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