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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Read the rules. No rom requests until you have 100 posts, you cannot spam either. Someone attack and close!
  2. *gouges eyes out with chopsticks* *watches porn, alot alot of asian, lesbian, and very hot looking women porn*
  3. Wesker would be the one that unleashed the Tyrant in RE1, Planned everything with that doctor guy in RE0, and had badass superpowers in CV.
  4. MIcrosoft website. After it's installed, it should work in all apps. Works for me in FF and IE.
  5. As in the ones that live far east and have nukes and aren't korean.
  6. Vega is the greatest fiction character of all time in the history of mankind. BALROG! BALROG! (i.e. Spanish Ninja)
  7. Just grab "I wanna do you sister" by Stephan Lynch.
  8. AD&D2.0/D&D3.5 = Shadowrun2.0 > That.
  9. You should make a list. This is just a list of characters you like. Top 5 fool!
  10. In short, CPS3 is still a concern to people. eventually it will be emulated, but at the cost of the game's encryption's chip keeps frying everytime someone dumps the game. And Capcom's arcade repair division is out of commission, so you can't get a replacement or get it repaired.
  11. Fatal would do it in a heart beat. *runs*
  12. 16/2+2-2+3+4=my age and 0100011001101001011011000110100101110000011010010110111001101111 living IN canada.
  13. No one can stop the ORIGINAL Mr.T
  14. Starcraft, UT2k4, Counter-Force, Doom 3, SFIII
  15. And gay. Seriously though, the video is ok. #r's combo engine imo is crappy for combo vids.
  16. Damn capcom and their frying encryption chips.
  17. Bah, them wrestlers in Japan have been doing that since like what, the beginning of time
  18. The LAN/IT edition is out now. I don't remember the url at the top of my head, but a website has it up on torrent, the full, non-RC/beta edition. sp2torrent or something.com
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