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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Yeah, about 4 gigs when extracted into temp. Thats why It never actually installed with me, I had to bring it over from my sister's comp to mine.
  2. Ok, you're probably going to want to go with option 3 in my above post. For maximum effect, download Ad-Aware, update it, reboot into safe mode and run as deep a scan as you can, deleting anything you find. Then enable ad-aware's "ad-watch" program and allow it to start up when windows starts. This should stop the adware from reinstalling itself. Reboot and you should be ok. Too add to that, get Spybot Search and Destory(update it as well), that catches stuff AA can't pick up. Then go to Trent's House Call online virus scanner. AA + S&D + House Call = Teh win. Also To Ghost: Yes, I know it conflicts games, but I DO NOT EXPERENEICE THESE SLOW DOWNS AT ALL. Maybe it's because I reformatted 2 days before I got it. Edit: If you want maximum preformence with SP2 and do not want these slow downs. Do a clean Install of Windows XP. Install SP2, Go over to www.blackviper.com and tweak your XP using his instructions.
  3. I am quite aware of that site. But most people like me, don't want 4 gigs resting on teh hdd.
  4. It requires the electronic skill and know how of how a USB connectors work since a PS2's and a PC's is different. It's eaiser with an Xbox controller.
  5. Well, with me, I have a 9800 Pro 128, a 64 3200+ and 1 GB of ram. I've played it on Ultra, and it lagged when ever i opened doors and certain scenes. So i'm baseing it on that.
  6. Doom 3 runs best on AMD! FEAR! FEAR! TAKE THAT INTEL FANBOYS.
  7. imo, a GeForce 4 4600 is badass. Should be able to run it at high, but it might lag during certain scenes or when opening doors.
  8. They are, but benchs now prove that AMD systems reign supreme in gaming over intel. But I wouldn't base buying most componet on benchmarks. Word of mouth is better
  9. Actually, it's still there, it's only for the "Premium Users''(people who have 100+ posts) now
  10. No Some of us have more then 1 OS on 1 box. As of right now, I got WinXP, WinXP 64 Beta, Win98, Windows 2k and SLACKWARE ^^.
  11. The dude's last barbwire match last year in MLW. He must be up to something. He's retired like what? 10 times already?
  12. I give sympathy to high(really really high) pingers.
  13. If Flair can keep going, so should he! Yo, if Funk is still wrestling, then anyone can still wrestle at 65
  14. My comp is infected with a virus, and i've been trying to get it off for the last 3 hours. Scanning Comp while playing emus = big no no.
  15. RAW would be where all the old guys are and Smackdown would be where all the new kids hang out.
  16. Under the circumstances, it would be very wet
  17. Do you even know the history of the Guerrero family? From the golden days of Lucha in Mexico to the high raise days of Japan?
  18. I've played with ash, and he's on 56k and in England. Not much hardcore lag.
  19. Minieral Oil doesn't conduct eletricity when eletronics are on.
  20. Check the model number of your PS2.
  21. Dude, with Clark, it's all about the cap
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