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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. You and your sprites. Me and messing around in photoshop. It's all good.
  2. Dude, that game was like, just to play around with the Xbox and to show it off it's power. Who actually played that game for the volleyball anyways.
  3. Need more women with +87 bust size in KOF or something.
  4. Thats because it's broken. Untested hidden characters. Infinities to go around. Still a fun game, it's just borked like hell. Kinda like MvC2.
  5. Minerial Oil r0x0r. A full 300 MHZ on a P2. Plays quake 3 at 60 fps Not me
  6. Bear got owned. 32 cans, crazy bear.
  7. I would of understood :\ Anyways, it's a trout thats on irc!
  8. Reminds me of the April Fools joke someone played at Neo-Geo where he took an unlabled cart of Kikuza Encounter and replaced it with the kajified wordings of "Virtual Fighter" on the cart and photoshopped a pic with the game running on Neo-Geo Hardware.
  9. Great, you just reminded me of that. Die. Slowly. By a Pyramid Head. Raping your leg.
  10. Got the Argintina Backbreaker. Tackle and punches, that funky kick thing, he's really classified as a grappler.
  11. Don't make me eat you cat. Cuz one day. BOOM. No more cat for you!
  12. Easy. One day, the director and his team will make something so greusome, something will happen and that will be their sign from God that they've gone too far. (read up on an old issue on when they were making SH3, something in the game got really disturbing and they took it out.
  14. Dude, the whole aspec of the game was good, it just needs some hardcore tweaking. They rushed this game. I mean those hitboxes, christ dude, you can be hitting like a mile away and still someone MANAGE TO GET HIT.
  15. I know some of you downloaded it! COME ON, COUGH UP THE LIES! The import is it self has all the voices in english and the dailogue in japanese. Which a trusty Translation FAQ wouldn't mind. Get it now and get a free Music CD!
  16. *coughcoughps2coughcough* Anyone have a lozenge?
  17. And just to make it get off topic for a second! MY EYES, KIRBY KILLED MY EYES.
  18. Saw this at eurogamer. (==-=-) Masked kirby strikes again!
  19. And they know how to _actually_ wrestle. I'm not saying Lita knows how either, it's just, it's nice seeing women who can actually do something.
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