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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. How about playing games for fun? Who cares if ppl post on an emulation forums. If you're goin gto flame, take it elsewhere. No one cares except for you and Fatal obviously Me and BloodBlaze may agree about Tekken and fighting games in general but DO NOT bring me into this flame war! Oh and yes I do play fighitng games for fun too. I obviously blame Fatal for this intrustion. Me using big words = bad.
  2. All I know so far: 1 - Takes place during the cold war 2 - It's obviously big boss 3 - Uh, In the jungle 4 - You need to survive(like litterly) 5 - And uhh, WHAT IS THE STORY? MSG1 was like, short.
  3. Which is possibly the only reason why he's up at the main eventers.
  4. Maybe you should actually should know us a bit more. Some of use here are competetive in gaming, but not at VF/T. Yes, most of us are quite aware of what Evo is, I would get a chance to go, but not for VF/T, but for Guilty Gear XX. You should be quite aware of your surrounds before mouthing off at a community like that. Kinda sad that you say that because you assume we have no life. Btw, I do take my gaming seriously, but if a game has absolute no interest in me I will bash away and oppose everything you say because well, I can. You are just one of those godawful fanboys that follow the incrowd of the game. "Oh it sucks, I'll agree anyways." Seriously, be aware, I've been following the Competetion scene for a about 2 years now and seen no one bash on people who don't play the game at a competition level. They play it for fun. Unlike the other people(like you, who I assume just watches Evo matches then plays in them). Now excuse me while I get back to wasting my life on one game and not this one. Edit: WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! WATCH ME GET FLAMED BECAUSE I'M DIFFERENT!
  5. I quit following WWE so it wouldn't matter a whole load to me like it does to the people who watch it. It's garbage. It's too fast, he should still be a mid-carder, he's a good wrestler I agree, but champion? No, he's not, not right now.
  6. Let me use Geonitz and i think you'll cry. Everyone who uses Goenitz make others cry. Exactly my point >=D
  7. NOT IF I DO IT FIRST Naw, i'll prolly end up doing stalker =o Right now, my current goal is finishing Knights of the Old Republic so I can review it.
  8. Orton getting pushed way too fast imo. Anyways, WWE is garbage to me.
  9. Let me use Geonitz and i think you'll cry.
  10. Fatal is hardcore T/VF also, but yeah. I'm not a hardcore player of these games but I loved 4 more then 3.
  11. They are not going to put this guy in for sure!!! Most of the legends will come from the WWE stable. And since SCSA is not in WWE anymore, they might consider him as legend too! Maybe the Rock too! If Old School Kane can get into the legend list, even Mick Foley can as Mankind!! Now, this would really rock! I bet you don't know the old partnerships between the 2 companies during the late 80's to understand. I wasn't even born yet and I knew about it!
  12. Seriously, if Terry Funk can't retire, then Ric Flair can do what ever he wants. And Funk is what? Atleast into his 60's now? And Abudllah The Butcher, what about him? Still wrestling. Man, these 3 guys are old, but can still put out some stuff(Butcher is a maybe, I mean, it's great to see a 500 pound big guy, with no actual wrestling skill, stab people in the head with a fork for the last 30 years AND still be able to pull a crowd is beyond me.
  13. And it's not called "Shadows" to what some sites reported!. Article here. Source: MMcafe Siren 2, Silent Hill 5, in the same year. OMG! It's like waiting for Doom all over again =o
  14. The P1 just enables it to work on Kawaks/Nebula/random other ones via dat file.
  15. It's possible with 2003 using the old KOF`98 bios but it locks up the menu screen on console mode and freezes up coin slots in arcade mode on other emulators execpt mame.
  16. Click here. Giant Baba is practically a legend on his own. The mention of his name is to make wrestling fans may want to see a dream match with him against Andre(which did happened in the late 80's) and how he would compare to the big men of today.
  17. I'm constructive. I don't really care about teh bashing. But i prefer default filters above all. I really hate everything else. Also note, these were just expirmints as well. I'd like to see you put out some stuff like this using ONLY default filters of 7. Not CS or it's expansions like Elements. Just 7 alone. King is a woman after all :\ AKIMAN and Shinkiro's art renditions are badass. An this thread should die because it's old. People need to see the date of these topics. And now, i shall leave.
  18. God knows if SNK even cares anymore about ages. So don't even try. Hell, this game isn't even canon. so why am I saying this.
  19. Actually it isn't Everyone uses it so much they just kept it in. The dreamcast version is possibly the best port out of all the systems it was ported too because it keeps the originality of the arcade version(and on that note. it doesn't look like sheit). It seems people don't know me enough, especially the new wave of newbies.
  20. My controller works find. Maybe you just need the drivers for it.
  21. I live 6 hours away to the east :\
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