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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I must confine my self to old news D:
  2. Click Here. Covered by Gamespy(stfu, their actually good and are D&D`ers so they know what their talking about!) Shoots the run down on the 30th Anniversary on a game that is practically the base on anything fantasy-based RPG game. That folks, would be Dungeons & Dragons. Gamespy takes a look at the history of this great past time with friends and long sessions you can poke a stick at. This is something Gary Gygax himself could be proud of. D&D players unite and celebrate 30 years of slaying dragons and saving those damn damsales in distress!
  3. From what I hear, the controls are the crap. About everything else is good. Greatest Balanced Game Ever = 3s kthx.
  4. If you've ever been to a Lego themed park or store, they'll have huge models built entirely of legos. And I'm telling you, a punch doesn't break 'em. Even a Psycho Crusher wouldn't break through them. I agree, I tried it. I got cut.
  5. Crazy Capcom, don't get their own stories straight.
  6. I saw it on sale at a french bookstore o.o and it's in english o.o
  7. It's pretty easy. Get the right laser for your model, buy it, follow simple instructions to replace or ask someone with PS2 know how, and all set. It's pretty easy, I've gotten the hang of it on the first try.
  8. Nujabes + Fat Jon "The Space Between Two World"
  9. The first Silent Hill OST freaked me out with its piano tracks. Those piano tracks are down right gorgous. I love them.
  10. With mine, which is the same as G-man's is the same. Red Arrmar and Athena are EXTREMELY CHEAP.
  11. It did work, the one Gryph posted, that patcher, doesn't work for me.
  12. You need to use those XP Keypatch thingies for SP1 for it work.
  13. That sheit doesn't work with me. So yeah, our regular hallucenagen gave it to me.
  14. I don't know why. But theres no random slow downs for me with these games: Generals + Zero Hour Starcraft Simcity4 UT2k3/U2 As expected. This might be only those 10,000~ish people and not EVERYONE,
  15. Doom 3's protection was pretty sad, but it worked sometimes.
  16. If you ask me, the 3200+ 7xx pins work just as a good. Their almost out of the market and going cheap. Pair your self up with some DDR400 Ram and a brane preference for your mobo (ASUS FOR EVER!) and your all set. Cost me about 900 bucks Canadian (which is like, yeah) Problem with the 7xxs is that it doesn't have the Dual Channel ablitity like the 939's. Unless like. You want a full PC o.o
  17. You do not know the power of Lego!
  18. What is a canon guide anyway? Does it contain something faggy like strats and combos and stuff? It's the story to the game
  19. You should of imported it The Japanese version already had english stuff in it. Like the voices and stuff.
  20. Thats because it goes over every single word and made up random stuff in mankind's history.
  21. Apparently you do because you asked kthx.
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