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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Koda Kumi - Japanese version Jade - English Version Mine would be either GGX or Samurai Champloo's.
  2. No, just, no. Yoshi's box is nothing compared to this! His case was premodded after all!
  3. i wanna see a video............. i still watch wwe , its gettin really pathetic , the best time i had watchin wwe was the invasion by wcw and ecw , now that was a kick ass storyline! , now its just stupid Am I the only one who thought that Invasion angle sucked completely?
  4. i'll admit that i did it and the reason is simple, it is what it is now so get over it as its not coming back any time soon i for one personaly perfer to say wwf when talking about classic wrestling and not the soap opera drama that it is wwe now Agree Woot for 1 word posts.
  5. https://webspace.utexas.edu/sah725/index.html Lego +SNES > Microsoft.
  6. God Rugal is a mixture of "Full Powered Gouki" and Orochi's power, thus the term "God." Shin Gouki is a mixture Gouki at full strenght and Orochi's power. Yes, thx about G*d Rugal. But Shin Gouki already exists : SF Zero series, SF 3 series... No mention of "Orochi" from KoF ; Cap can't use "Orochi 's power". They can and they did. Because Gouki in CVS2 is mixed with it, his symbol on his back if I recall.
  7. I liked 4. More then 3. But i'd say the best would be 2.
  8. All I have to do is import SF2A and i have my own special edition!
  9. They were always planning to unmask Kane. the problem was when they were gonna do it.
  10. I played the beta yesterday in a 4v4 scrimmage. It plays like CS execpt there are alot of changes. The most noteable is that you can't stack on each other anymore (MY STRATS!). It's pretty fun, but it has a long way to go. They might as well call it 1.7 since it's going to end up completely different by the time it comes out.
  11. God Rugal is a mixture of "Full Powered Gouki" and Orochi's power, thus the term "God." Shin Gouki is a mixture Gouki at full strenght and Orochi's power.
  12. I actually used it on 1.45 before I went 1.46 thank you very much. And it ran fine.
  13. Not like that, that's for sure. Lazy to post mine.
  14. 9200se are overclocked 9200 to begin with. And something that takes maybe at least 3 of DX9's other features? Kinda useless imo if he's planning to have this comp for at least 4 to 6 years.
  15. Possibly the biggest Montreal LAN of the year canned just like that. Trust me, ALOT of people and mostly out of towners were pissed. And I blame those who believe friday and 13.
  16. if your cheap and gonna shell out cash for a good sorta-still-top-of-the-line-video-card, a 9800 Pro is the way to go.
  17. gg, don't type spoilers or anything guys.
  18. I saw it. I liked it, but it could of used some more of a certain zing of something. It was missing a certain spark to make it truely Alien vs Pradator.
  19. Not exactly. He's not a demon. He's still human. He just has abnormal human strengths (able to stay in water for a long time, making an island collapes by punching it, etc.) His moral code is just training. If you are in his way of his training, he wouldn't stop because his training comes first before everything else. He didn't mean to scare those guys in the submarine in his 3s ending or by blowing up a boat and cutting a mountin in half. They just got in his way. Theres even some offical of him selling fruit o.O Which i've scanned it too. Here = Canada. No one ever chooses him in CvS2 and 3s.
  20. Differing with both of you. If you still got a little extra cash on hand, grab a 9800 Pro 128MB Thats practically the best buget card you can get without going over the rediclusly spending limits past it.
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