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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Better off reading one indeed. `97 was just the end of the Orochi Arc.
  2. They are very cheap I got a few back up lenses for cheap.
  3. Each one has their ups and downs. But practically all games these days are most noteably played better on AMD systems.
  4. Normal ATi cards = Cheapest Most Expensive = Asus made, but live up to the quality.
  5. They've come along way to this. ATi FOREVER! BECAUSE THEIR CHEAP!
  6. People who don't read canon guides = teh suck When it comes to storylines CAPCOM U.S.A. ethier twists them or completely changes them. Gouki doesn't have a following here. He just plays better then Ryu. Ken would be the most balanced of the 3(4 if you count Dan, 5 if you count Sean).
  7. Very evil, very evil. SpyderX: fanboys should burn.
  8. All that: AMD Athlon XP or 64. Depending on what ARE your corrected demands. I can make a simple plan. Money saving = Athlon XP 2800+ or higher and 512 MB of RAM Full out Gaming = 64 3200+ or higher, or god forbid, the uber expensive FX, 1 GB of RAM This is why people need to tell others a buget or something.
  9. Keep Guro away from 1emu !!!11111
  10. Down with home junkies that want controllers at arcades.
  11. Down with controller marcos. Really, if i'm at an arcade, I prefer to use a stick. Using a controller? I mean come on. Thats just wrong on every leaving home without anything but cash standard.
  12. Alrite, today is Saturday, and I just had to tell this. Some may know I had to go to LAN party yesterday. Well it got cancled. First off, Just as the day started, i woke up late, at 12 PM. I ate lunch and took a shower quick. The next thing i know at 2 PM, my cousin completely forgets to pick me up! After 2 hours of freaking out on calling people to ask for a lift, I finally get a bank card to withdraw some cash. 3:30: Once I got to a money machine thingy and I was very very wet. The fscking thing doesn't take my card! I was forced to use another bank just to withdraw cash ! I got my cash, I call up a cab and I'm on my way. 15 minutes later, boom, traffic. HOW CRAZY IS THAT. TRAFFIC JAM AND I'M ALREADY LATE FOR THE QUAKE 3 TOURNEY! 5:35: 45 minutes and 40 dollars later, I arrive. My friend and I set up shop and get everything set only to find out HIS MONITOR GOT FRIED. So we rented a monitor for him and got everything set up. 6:15: Quake 3 begins, doing very well in seedings and FFA my clan and I thought I would go far. 6:30: Seedings are over. And I go 1v1 against a friend of mine named HawkEye. HE OWNS ME 25 TO 2! And Advances 7:15: Warming up for UT2k4 and Counter-Strike. The next thing I know, one of the guys behind me finds out his mother died and he has to leave. 8:30: Warmup FFA UT2k4 begins. The same with Quake 3, we all thought I would at least get to top 5. I Shield Gunned 8 people ^^ Which was good. Everyone was rooting. 9:00: We start up on doing some Counter-Strike practices. We ended getting owned so bad every single time. 9:30: Everyone is alerted that their is a virus breach within the network. If someone has it, they must unplug them selves from the network right away 9:45: The whole West side of the area's network and internet goes down. 9:55: The network itself goes down. 10:00: Network back up. UT2k4 Seedings begin. A fire breaks out at the oppisite side of where my clan and I are sitting. A Power oversurged and fried about 4 people's video cards(which is oddly strange because, they are all nVidia users, and the event was sponsord by ATi). 10:30: The power transformer blows out and causes a small electrical fire. Everyone is evacuated outside for the next 2 hour and a half. 10:31 to 1:00 AM Saturday: My clan gathered up people to play Rock Paper Sissors. Some prizes were being given out too such as heatsinks and fans. 1:05AM : The electriction calls it a night and says that there is no way for the transformer to be fixed. It is announced that the LAN is indefinately cancled. All prizes will be drawn via raffle. I get tackled and clipped in the eye for free stuff. Rest of the night until 9 in the morning/now: 6 HOURS OF FRIKIN ROCK PAPER SISSORS. People started to leave and for those who couldn't get rides, had to spend the night(I was one of them) and formed car pools to get home. The remanding members of my clan, which was just 2 people. Just slept (on metal chairs, our backs = not good anymore) or played RPS. As I say this (11:00 AM EST) Their are people still there trying to get rides home. The only good thing at all was someone from my clan got what he wanted a new CPU. As much as I don't want to believe the myths of Friday The 13th. This day was REALLY REALLY FSCKING HORRIBLE. Edit: On the side note. I got my money back. So all was not lost. And free food and drinks too.
  13. Actually, Sammy is moving all it's arcade divisions to Sega's arcade divisions, so there could be changes within the systems since most devs prefer naomi over Atomiswave even though it's cheaper to make games on the AW. And KOF might end at 2007 from an interview I read a while back. Once kof 2k7 is out, they'll see if the series is still good material.
  14. Windows XP 64bit is just to get 64bit apps work.
  15. I ran this shizzle on a 66mhz CPU, 16mb Ram and 24Vram! Beat that!
  16. No more bumping. It makes limecat angry!
  17. This is bull imo. Removes the true arcade experience of whining and bitching.
  18. If you have Xbox get this game it comes out next month then we can play on Live I have the same user name..... King of Fighters is Exlcusive to PS2 until furter notice. Link to info xbox.
  19. The game purely made just to annoy parents with it's violence.
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