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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Damn, just about to post this. I kinda liked his talk of american politics and actually watched Meet the Press from time to time.
  2. Agreed. Despite what that moron on the Bonus Round said, this does not need to be majorly reworked to run on a 360. Pretty much. This can run on a PC and 360 with what MGS4 has showed off. Bottom line is they didn't bother to compress anything. Not even put anything in some sort of codec for the audio and movie files either. They really did just dump them on the disc and called it a day. The only thing I think of being reworked is how to handle textures and audio cues. Which would, as I said, require compressing. PS3 fanboys can eat their heart out and say it'll never run on a 360. It's still a great game, but I'm just saying, what they showed in game is nothing fantastic to the eye that we haven't already seen.
  3. GC is a pretty cheap guy, he's banking he can play SSF2STHDR forever
  4. Storywise it's great, but leads to confusion at times. Some voiced their displeasure with the B&B unit when compared to series' previous gangs. Various reviewers suggest revisiting the past games to fully understand the story. Graphically, they could of worked more on texturing, but it does not deter from the gameplay experience. Sound is decent, some are saddened that they are no Dual-Voice tracks, if they decided to encode the sound other then just dumping it on uncompressed, they would of managed have both English and Japanese voice track selection. In short, this game is capable to be ran on anything. Shoddy texture work and all.
  5. They didn't remove moves, they kept the A and S Tiers more or less the same, they just gave everyone below Mid A more of a fighting chance. They didn't totally nerf the rest of Top A and S. They've made the fireball characters overall a little less gay and gave characters like Cammy (who is practically absolutely terrible vs Fireballers) and Honda (another character who is just bad VS fireballers) more of a fighting chance and options to combat FBers. T. Hawk has improved to go against his Shoto match ups. Seth has mentioned they didn't want to nerf the top characters too much (as told when now HDRemix Sagat is now a mix between O.Sagat and N.Sagat) and add improvements to all the lower tiered characters. They did add moves however, they limited by all the animations ALREADY in the game however. Ryu has a Fake Hado now as shown in the vids. Commandos 3 I believe. It's also just a stress and balance test to test balance and network coding. It will NOT last forever. You also need Live Gold to play it online. No word on characters or stages. When the test begins, you'll get all the info on it (June 25th if I recall is the date it goes "Live" so to speak).
  6. My post was in april. At the time, it still wasn't out.
  7. Did Germany already play Croatia? Because that's what's on air right now for me since I'm across the pond.
  8. Google. I have a weather watcher in my task bar supplied by the fine folks at WeatherNetwork.com.
  9. Seth Killian (S-kill) is pretty much one of the OGs of the SF American community. The man has been competeting pro for 15 years I believe and helps organize EVO with SRK in conjunction with working with Capcom. That skill comes with the profile, he's using Gief btw, Ryu was CPU.
  10. I found it on the Capcom forum, but it's going to be down until tomorrow (Friday for you, I guess).
  11. Well Capcom did run a poll to which next game to port over to XBL, MAHVEL 2 was in the lead with 3s being 3-4th place last I checked. If they ported SF2:AE, everyone would complain. Edit: Spelling.
  12. I present to you, a guide written by a friend. This was around when TBC came out and he power gamed for about 54 hours straight. In-Game 1)BAG SPACE. Make flockin bagspace. All toys, trinkets, useless pots, useless gear, pets, etc go in the bank. BAG. SPACE. I cannot stress this enough. The only things you should have are -Gear -HP/Mana pots (1 stack ea) -Bandages -Food/Water (hybrid is better) -Hearth -Other necessities I can't think of 2) MAKE MULES. I have a mule I sent all my greens to in Ironforge to put up on the Auction House for mad money. I also have a mule for every tradeskill/herbalism/gems that I might want to keep. There's no AH in Outlands, and only one bank (and going there will interrupt your leveling). 3) READ THE flockING QUEST LOG. I can't stress that one more. NEARLY every quest tells you where the flock everything is. If in the case the quest log fails. USE http://wwww.thottbot.com/beta, it has maps and locations for most quests and mobs. IF that fails, ask someone, but when you do ask someone listen to what the flock they're saying. I've had 5 different people ask me 4 times in a row where to get the Metal/Wood for Waste Not Want Not. I'm going to be on vent pretty much any time, so feel free to ask me locations for stuff (so far I've mastered Hellfire and Zangarmarsh). 4) BE INTELLIGENT AND PLAY PROPERLY. Dying slows you down, sometimes it has to happen, but other times it can be avoided. If you can tell a quest isn't going to work out, go do something else while you wait for someone to possibly come help you. If you can feel yourself being slowed down, bolt somewhere else, there's easily 100 quests in each zone, always something to do. Never think you're done with a zone, there's nearly almost another quest hub you haven't been to. 5) SPEND MONEY. You're going to be making money like a DEMON. Spend money on pots, pots, pots, reagents, food, food, water, water. SPEND MONEY if it means that you level faster, don't be afraid. Water/Food from mages is great, but they're really annoyed with how much their asked. Draenic food/water is the bizzomb. 6) PLAY FAST. Thinking "gotta go gotta go haste quick swift lets go lets go" can sometimes work out for the better, you just have to know the limit. If you're idle for too long, your exp rate goes down. Real Life 1) STRETCH. Whenever you have a bit of idle time on a flight or waiting for a spawn, stand up and move around. Touch your toes, flex your muscles, move your joints around. It'll help fight off the muscle atrophy you're bound to develop from playing 40 hours straight. 2) EAT WELL!. Being hungry sucks, you need food for energy. Fruits, juice and vegetables are good for energy boosts. Chips, pasta, rice are there because they're easy prepare and give you energy. Protein and fats are good to replace things that you're burning by being up for so many hours, but not in overly excessive amounts that'll make you groggy. 2b) BEWARE OF CAFFEINE. Caffeine flocks the crap out of you, it's good for energy temporarily, but then you crash and burn. If you think you can handle it, go ahead. I managed to go 40 hours without any. 3) If you are still gaming at 6 AM and don't want to fall asleep and you still want to play. Talk to someone on vent. Conversation with another person managed to keep me up from 5 AM-8 AM (most dangerous time to fall asleep when power gaming). Keep your mouth moving, they know that you're just trying to stay awake, talk about what you're doing, talk about anything. It'll keep you awake. 3b) BE COMFORTABLE. Sweaters, hoodies, tank tops, shorts, nudity, pillows, blankets, whatever floats your boat. 4) BEWARE SERVER RESTARTS. They make you want to lay down while the server restarts, some people can do it, others can't. Which brings me to my next point. 5) POWER NAPS!. A 26 minute power nap was enough to keep me going for a whole other day. During a power nap, to ensure that you're not going to fall asleep, put on loud and energetic music, your body will be tired enough to rest but you'll still be on the brink of conciousness so you can wake yourself up. If music fails, make someone your friend and tell them to SCREAM in vent to wake you up. (Feel free to ask me) 5b) If you really have to, go and sleep for 6-8 hours. Spahm's rule is that every time he gains a level, he goes to sleep. 6) BE HYGIENIC. Having a break for an hour to bio/shower/shave and clean yourself up will keep you (and those around you) happy to keep going. Brushing your teeth can provide a much needed energy boost early in the mornings. 7b) Talk to people in real life, tell them that you're still alive, tell them that you're having a gaming marathon with some friends. 7c) Play with people You don't have to be in the same group, but come on vent and socialize, it'll keep you entertained. BEWARE, Thelstrahm and Papagigi are okay to hang out with, but only in small doses. 7d) If you don't like people, Listen to music!, whatever makes you happy, it'll add to the experience and you won't mind the grind that much. 8 ) Don't think that you've fallen behind. I've seen a lot of people log on pissed that a couple people are a few levels higher than them, don't worry about it, everyone will be at the same point in a month or two. There will always be people at your level for you to do things with, because everyone is coming into Outlands at different times. Try not to think negatively, it'll just upset you. 9) The most important of all HAVE FUN. Very Happy 10) Masterbate I can't stress this enough it will relieve stress and might make someones day on vent should you foget to turn off your mic, but serisousy send me any food you want cooked and i'll mail it back 11.) PLAN - It's not good to be running across the map from one side to another over and over for quests, plan out your questing so that you can get 1-2 quests done in one area then move onto the next to complete the rest, and turn in times as well. 12) make sure you have at least an Ounce of weed so that you don't have to drive out to pick up some inbetween leveling if you start running low. You will also be saving more money by purchasing larger quantities. 13) Group with a Paladin for Crusader Aura and become the fastest moving mounted players on land. 14) Keep water containers and a variety of snack food at the computer. Getting up wastes time.
  13. CoD can go more towards the Pacific Theater though. They haven't done that yet. They've pretty much covered Europe, Russia and parts of Africa already.
  14. BK is right. SSF2THDR is completely different and more friendly in motions and execution timing in addition to rebalancing the game to give some of the worst characters better tools to utilize against all the characters with fireballs. There's a reason O.Sagat is S Tier in ST (He's RIGHT at the top). If you don't know it, it's mostly because of his 37 frames low tiger shot as more or less the reason why he's so good. Alot of characters have trouble on paper against him.
  15. More or less, LSD is right on the money. It doesn't matter, because the big 3rd party games are on 2 out of the 3 systems anyways. PC gamers are coming into the loop being the 3rd man now these days as well.
  16. In the world of Console business, if they don't turn a profit, they'll take the hit or release it on 360/PC to earn the money back. Alot of this generation's best games thus far are multiplatform. I mean in that sense if it's out on 2 of the 3 systems (As in, out of the PC/PS3/360), it's a multiplatform game. DMC4 sold alot, and their still releasing a PC verison when they don't really have to. Heck, RE4 sold alot, yet they still released a PC version (and re-released on Wii to boot). In this generation of gaming, any 3rd party franchise is not safe on one exlusive system anymore. Civilization is once again, coming back to Consoles for the first time in about a decade with Civ: Revolution also.
  17. Presenting 100 (I think) Epic Battles in SSF2T on GGPO
  18. And still be able to be used as a grill as well for juicy hambugers.
  19. My phat iPod is a tough bastard. It's been dropped on the road, on teh floor, down a flight of stairs, in water, in snow and it's still fine. On the other hand, I've only lost my files 4 in the 3+ years I've owned it. All because I wasn't patient enough on connecting it.
  20. That would depend on what you want to play, some people are quite content with getting a top of the line card and using it for 5 to 8 years, as it can play nearly every game on the market regardless of graphical quality. Nothing will run Crysis at full for another year or two. Doom 3 could be played on Ultra on a 9800 Pro (I did it) with some careful and proper config editing and unzipping all the texture contents.
  21. Japanese laws of physics. The strength of an attack is directly proportional to the volume at which you announce its full and complete name. It's why when I play D&D with my group, we do shout out random none sense while casting spells.
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