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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. SO yeah. If I had the money, i'd buy that in a heart beat.
  2. That is by far the greatest idea. EVER.
  3. The anti-SNK sentiment isn't all that bad in SRK as long you post in the correct category (ie don't post SNK stuff in a folder marked Street Fighter). Happens in General Fighting Discussion. Informative, but touchy.
  4. I'm with you. As much hatered I have for CS, i still play it. Cuz you know, i'm good at it. Like Quake 3 good.
  5. Got a deal on a real copy at my store, they got their shipment, but they haven't putted them on the shelves yet. So under the table for me! And high!.
  6. SRK = Baised toward's Capcom, very obvious, tons of lurkers who WILL flame you if you even mention SNK. Orochinagi = Baised towards SNK, but are really nice people. Place of blance: SNK-Capcom(although most tend to be with Capcom's side) and MMcafe.
  7. I saw that video. Need some Yumeji stuff Phantom, care to hook me up on some info on Yumeji in SSV ps2? Like, you can just PM the info to me if you want.
  8. THey shut them down a few days ago, i was there at the funeral.
  9. People should already know by now, My spelling mistakes and confusion of words and poor grammer is greater then God himself.
  10. Yes and No. Yes: because it will remove practically the "laggyness" between texture swamping. No: because you can still use it using a 256MB video card, a very good AMD CPU(2800+XP/3000+A64 or higher AMD cpu) and at least 1 to 1.5 Gigs of ram. But it's impossible to get rid of the texture swamping because it still relys on the video card.
  11. Atomiswave uses a different encryption and bios. Although the specs maybe a naomi, they certainly aren't the exact same toned down hardware.
  12. www.hardocp.com [H] did benchmarks on D3 with i.d.'s supervision. Most notable, nVidia cards seem to have teh upper hand most of the time and AMD/A64 CPU's are the prefered CPU's to be used. Note: No actual computer can play doom 3 at it's fullest because of it's uncompressing texture system. Although it is possible to play it on "Ultra," it will be laggy because of textureswamping, it is highly recommended to have at least 1 GB of RAM and a 256MB video card in doing so (the 1GB will help lower the texture swamping, but it won't remove it). If you want more information on it, read the benchmark done on [H]ardOCP.
  13. Wtf? You better got it legally. Which store? Because I wanna go check out Futureshop and see if I can pick it up.
  14. SNKP said they won't support their own hardware anymore. But 3rd party developers might still release games for it.
  15. Will it be like this? That much in 12 hours. Yes, it's real.
  16. Doom 3 came out at certain retailers before the August 3rd(The date where it would be shipped nation wide in North America).
  17. And that includs setting your arm on fire! (Seriously, avoid doing that, I got minor burns because I was drunk)
  18. When I'm not a around, Your so fuc- Holy Radiohead moment. Anyways, nice job on the review TV head.
  19. SNKP wants to make this game a rarity, damn hell it worked.
  20. What does Romcenter and clrmame do anyways? I've never fully explored them.
  21. ...:\ Ok, the voltage requirement for more Japanese items is the exact same as the N.A. Why? Because my N64 is Japanese and it works perfectly.
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