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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I agree. MTG used to be simple. Now I can't tell the difference between Lands and Artifact cards.
  2. I just played Serge, and I won the match. So yeah, who I fight now?
  3. The next I would say, what is your specs? Could it be your video card? Did you try updating those? If those did nothing, I suggest reinstalling.
  4. AD&D 2.0 rules. Shadowrun 3.0 system completely messed up my group's story hardcore.
  5. That is really sad. PM logs plz. GG on discussion becuse I was there when you said you'd perm ban him, Which me and others who were there, find it completely unfair.
  6. EH? I thought it went up by 1 version. Didn't it? Other then the release Versions?
  7. I blieve he does already know about it. You don't know how many times i've been dared to kick you without any reason, what I believe was he did it because no else would. I believe him kicking you for that stupid reason of a signature is not the real reason.
  8. It still matters, because this happened on AN IRC CHANNEL and not the website. Just because it isn't offical, doesn't mean it still counts.
  9. Evil bump It uses DND Version 3 System, not the current 3.5.
  10. Strange, changed ADX files to wav I didn't get any crackeling sound. Double check, it could be just your speakers.
  11. I quit playing Magic/Pokemon in 2000. and recently quit Dual Monsters Yu-Gi-Oh. Used to be hardcore into this stuff. Now I'm broke:(
  12. Honest to god, both are acted enadiqute when it arose. The dude always is pulling stuff, I don't know why a fourm ban has to do with anything that happens in irc. What this, i'm gonna get censored now.
  13. Until we get something, anything, new screenies, it's a STRATS DISCUSSION
  14. 10 PM EST it is then! So we can finally get passed where ever.
  15. I guess getting sued by the Olsen Twins did damage lmafo
  16. (nice sig ink) I really want to see the Best of Bret Hart. I mean the WWE owns everything after 1994 from WCW. We should be able to get one!
  17. Dude, we do o.o Why do you think this thread is there.
  18. Torrents, DC++. Hongfire or hentasha might have it. Wrong place to ask :\
  19. CVS2 sprites were actually reworked SFZ sprites. This ain't no mugen game. Capcom wants to go out with a bang.
  20. Naw, you can smuggle stuff into it, the ban isn't totally lifted in Greece. But a game like this, you'd have to smuggle it in.
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