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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. madienmasher slaps 666Ghost around a bit with a large trout Don't you guys bring that sheit here.
  2. Hey, know that you mentioned it, I have that too. I mean I don't hate dogs or anything, I just steer clear of Doberman's and such... I've very sensetive to loud noises, so barking creeps me out. I'm with you guys.
  3. The MVS version has been uncensored since it's release in April of this year.
  4. LOL. Well, some keep saying it's a mugen game (and I don't blame them, it looks like one after all, but their being too harsh on it for not knowing the changes). It's on that arcade board thats based ont he PS2, but without breaking out of context, i might say some new stuff in a new thread sooner or later.
  6. Get your latest drivers for your video card, and if you don't have it, get DX9.1C
  7. Not exactly I just try to get information on betas and latest news. He's got the art of expressing SS, while I got GGXX. Since practically everyone here doesn't want to hear about CFJ, I just stopped covering it for here and just covered it for personal preference.
  8. SSVS is the final game developed for their MVS arcade board and AES home system. I say final game, because other companies might still put out games for the Neo-Geo system, just SNKP won't support it anymore.
  9. ....If I knew how to say "Kill them all execpt me" in Tagalog, I would say it, but since I can't. Kill them all execpt me.
  10. Holy christ. Damn, thats a good question. I'd lose to ash in every single game. Including the ones that don't exist.not
  11. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...opic=8439&st=0& Thanks for ATB 555 for the find.
  12. MY news groups suck, so I won't be getting it there.
  13. Now to annoy Gryph. There will be a better one, with no Korn, and I'll take requests too. Bitches.
  14. I'd rather go the Philipines then go to the U.S. at least there I can warez, on the cornor of the street. Like a hooker sells her self in taiwan.
  15. Ok, the reason why the torrent doesn't work because it's not even on the HongFire to begin with.
  16. yea probably 200mhz or somewhere around 150-200...it was f#($*# slow! argh.. took at least 5-7 minutes loading up star:bw.. and out of the 5gb.. 3-4 was gone in 1-2 days.. "shudder" hate to think of those years with that computer Hey man, quit bitching. I still have the same type of computer, except with a 8 GiB HDD. And it's my primary one. No wonder you still use NRX.
  17. Personally, I think it was the clash back of almost all AES owners on both sides of the world that made them start the recall, and you know, fix the bugs.
  18. Mind linking to the dead torrent. It could be that the stats are wrong. Double check with Torrentspy.
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