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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Read the (top) post my friend I mentioned that were on Gamesurge.net network since thats the regular hang out, It's mostly dead right now, but Weridzinganerrererere and maidenmasher is there. There regulars, along with Ash_Crimson, who has yet to be seen since yesterday! Best time to check us out is anytime since were pretty random when were really active.
  2. You need to place your handle (a name) at the bottom of the the window, Theres a box at the bottom and you place your name there. Also note, Diso's server is done since it's on vacation. and the best way to ask for a spar is over irc since we keep in contact with everyone there.
  3. You can, but it has a higher chance of desyncronizing.
  4. it was right here my friend I found it off the RO fourms. Anyways, I'm still waiting on my order of nothing.
  5. I stick my nose in EGM, Game Informer, Tips & Tricks (practically the editors are neo-geo fans and practically the only magazine to cover KOF `96/97/98 MVS/AES version), OPM, Gamepro. I've subscribed to EGM and T&T before, good stuff, especially T&T since they still do arcade games.
  6. I think mortal kombat trilogy was the best. Can't wait to play this game, looks like it will be a lot of fun. I beg to differ. MKT was very very broken infact. Since they ported all the original characters from the various old MK games, they didn't tweak the game very very much. Kano's old ass infinity from MK1 is still there. Not to mention, when they spead up the chracters, more broken gameplay appared, like Raiden and MK2 Kung-Lao's Teleport infinity. 2 Is the bestzzzzessss!!!111111oneoneoneoneeightthreeninekthxbainumbers
  7. Looks nice. To bad I quit playing FFXI. Nothing shall replace the experanice I had. Nor my 35 Darknight....nor the 30 Redmage....or that mithra thief...Damn i need cash.
  8. Xbox is a console/PC modders dream imo. It's Emulation without the emulation (as in a PC homecenter without actually using Windows XP Media and spending around 1000 bucks for buying PC parts and more for modding a case so it blends well...sorta )
  9. ...Just copy+paste it into notepad dude o.o
  10. best MK game is 2 hands down. 3 for best music and 5(DA) for biggest improvement. This certainly looks badass. I can't wait for Kabal.
  11. Like Jonh Carmack said. FPS isn't always everything. It also depends on your hardware and software and how you tweak it. Oh yeah Evil Bump
  12. Dude, I really hope you don't do anything stupid. Like you know, piss off a cop or something related to that. Damn, this sucks, if RATM were still alive, they would play RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET of where it's at. Oh yeah, the most important thing, pics. Why? Just `cause it's the DNC.
  13. Have your family been diagnosed to have early stages of narcolepsy? What ???? Narcolepsy is a condition whereby you sometimes cannot control when you fall asleep. Falling asleep when walking would be the perfect example of what happens to narcoleptics. Perhaps you should see a doctor? II onece saw this documentary about narcolepsy...It's pretty weird to watch this lady just doze off in the middle of an interview... I learned about narcolepsy in anime called Azumanga Daioh (which is funny as hell imo) from a girl named Osaka.
  14. I was over at Orochinagi, and Helldell, put out a review for SSVS. you can find it here yeah, I really want this 4 on 4 battle to kick off. Since I played ash and got severaly owned(for once) I want to do team thing. And if it does well, I can start one for SSV/SSVS(when it's dumped/avaliable)
  15. I've been messing around with a mixer and modtracker, and came up with a few stuff, but none are good candidates I feel.
  16. Yes, the game is frustrating. But after a 2 weeks, i finally beat it. NO I WILL NOT PLAY IT AGAIN.
  17. Too bad CPS3 isn't emulated. As for VS2. It's most likely from the Cart. Since we all know how huge Naomi CD Images would be.
  18. Some certain devs have ranted oh much they've hated the PS2 for coding & developing onto it (Great Example: The guy who leads Team Ninja, the guys who make the DoA games). Although the demographic for the PS2 is aimed at 18 to 35 market. SomeMost don't even buy it for the games. They'll pick up maybe 2 games and the rest would be DVD movies. My PS2 is rendered useless to me until I get SF3. And I refuse to get a new one.
  19. Over here, were not hardcore mugen fanatics. If it's good to us, then it's good.
  20. unpopular game? This game got more hits then a webpage about pr0n.
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